Ok people. I have decided to move to Xanga to blog!!!
Because:1) I'm sick of blogger and all that [dot]blogspots.
2) Xanga allows me to publish using the fonts i already have in the computer.
3) It's more like systematic in a way, cause there's this proper profile page and gallery page and all that shit which i'm not even sure whether i'll u se but oh wells.
4) I've posted two posts there.
5) The music i put there is damn nice.
6) I like the name sweetlovesins.
7) I want to start afresh cause my archives in here are seriously embarrassing.
7 rather good reasons don't you think? :DD
This is possibly my last post here, i
won't delete this blog. I'll leave it be in case some don't know. And i'll leave my links here as well. And my tagboard.
HERE!!!http://www.xanga.com/sweetlovesinsPLEASE RELINK!!! THANKS.BUT there's a negative side. Stupid xanga doesn't allow cbox and all that links shit. Annoying. So i'll leave a "
TAG ME HERE" link at the end of every post for convenience. Or you just comment, really. And that crap ad above. =.=
Oh wells.BYE BLOGGER! *heart aches* Till I feel like coming back again!!! :) I love you still!Labels: relink xanga
Shit i don't know whether i should shift to Xanga or not!Should i should i??? Please leave a comment or tag!Anyway, it's QianHui's birthday today and Dilys' tomorrow.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY:)))School's starting soon. The start of the usual monotonous no-life.Labels: xanga

watching Hana Yori Dango now. :D Sort of finishing the series soon but i can't find ep 10 of Season 2!!! :(((
Shall go ask Steffi when i see her online.^^
Tsukasa: "Huming-yay"
Soujiroh, Akira, Rui: =.=" Eh?
LOL ~.^
I don't know what happened after he lost his memory in the show yet cause i couldn't find the last episode. D:
*has waited very long for Steffi to come online*
*Steffi still not online*(&$%#!)
Hopefully there's season 3??? :DD

I think Matsumoto Jun is very funny in his role anyway:) Oguri Shun too as Hanazawa Rui, somehow he's very adorable in his gestures and the way he acted, rather than his features.
And because of Matsumoto Jun, i'm listening to Arashi now. Which is so wrong.
I think my blogskin is annoyingly good. So everytime i look at my blog and decide that i want to change my skin for one second, i change my mind the next second cause it's so serene, sweet and nice.
Bah, i can't even change it even though i feel like it. Can't bring myself to do it. Oh and dilys your skin would have to wait again! Gomen! I'll do a super nice one in June. :DD
I kind fully recovered already.
Mmmm, CQ is acting weird.
Labels: hana yori dango
Yes i'm back people. Back. And fucking sick.
I got some stomach virus that caused me to vomit. And i had diarrhoea too. Sucks like elephant's shit. I don't know what the fuck that virus was but almost everyone in my family who went to Malaysia got it. Except my dad.
It was so bad on the way back home. I was holding on to a
Giant plastic bag in case i felt like vomiting anytime.
And the roads in Malaysia was so freakking bumpy that it only made me feel worse.
I felt so so so weak in the car. I thought i would just like melt.
My sister vomited too. I think hers was worse than mine. And several other people, my aunt, my two cousins (who got diarrhoea as well)..Then my uncle had severe stomach aches, another uncle got food poisoning which was so bad he couldn't walk. Another aunt(my bro's kuei4 bu4) also got diarrhoea and her daughter too. And my mum too.
My two toddler cousins were worse off, they vomited till they had nothing to vomit so they vomited out bile. Gosh. Actually i think the virus came from them. Argh.
I'm feeling much better now though.
So i reached home at 1.45 am last night. I was deadbeat. I don't know why, i slept a lot in the car but when i reached home i still felt tired.
So i couldn't say the Malaysia trip was very fun, can i? Plus i didn't buy much, merely a pair of shoes, a few pieces of clothing and a belt.
Quite a waste of time, imagine, all the way from SG to JB to Port Klang and all the way back again on car. Terrible-ness??!?!
And i was supposed to reach home on Monday, then i could go to Tashi's house for CME project. And more importantly, to see her new Hilfiger shoes!!! But couldn't! >< Then today, they all went to Tash's house to do lang arts script and i couldnt go too. I didn't see the msg and couldnt go anyway.
And now that i'm back and sick, I still have to pull myself up to do my homework. (I haven't done any yet though.) FREAKINESS. The school doesn't have any compassion at all. Inhumane.
I just watched some Japanese show Yanlin lent me just now. GOSH! Not to be rude but YANLIN!!! The show is so so so so so boring! I watched 青空のゆくえ, i doubt if i would watched the other one you lent me. =.=
Some good things? Jiamin got Vanishing Acts!! OMGOMGOMG. :DD YAY. And then she can lend me all all all the books she bought. Wahaha.
JODI PICOULT!!! Here come I! HAHA.
Labels: sick vomit malaysia diarrhoea
Two more days till the March hols! :D *anticipates happily*
Today's seventh March, so
happy birthday to
Marcus and
Michelle Seetoh. And
Michelle Huang tomorrow:))
Will be going Msia again in two days though~~~ lalala i don't know how i feel about this.
Today has been pretty much a happy day. Not much homework i guess. And the math quiz is called off, all the better.
Three periods of chinese was also all that i needed to finish up the comic series "Love For Venus" which was so darn cliche but so unbelievably sweet all the same.
Have to run SIX rounds tomorrow. Sounds terrible.
I havent started on so many things. And i've already got most of my hols like packed. DIE DIE SHIT. :((
Say Millie and her friend today at TM when i was loitering about with Yimei and Adryl.
I am suspicious. I am.
Maybe i'm just too bored.
Labels: bored happy birthday seventh march
This should have been put up loooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg ago.
But please spare a vote!

Anyway, out of pure boredom: (AGAIN!)
http://www.livelove.co.nrI've deleted withlove.co.nr and have moved into my hosted site.
Labels: vote sotm livelove
Today was a fine day with tests like bio and physics!!! WOOOO. It is such a happy day to speak of.
But surprisingly, it didn't turn out too bad i think, the tests (which were fairly tough) aside, all were well. EXCEPT MATH. Training was fine too, though tiring.
MATH WAS A BITCH. OR RATHER, MS XIE WAS A BITCH.My Yeo, annoyingly went on a course. So we were left with some unwanted relief teacher. I'm not trying to be evil or mean. But i am SERIOUS. She CANNOT teach for nuts.
I didn't understand something so i asked her. I didn't understand her question, so she repeated her un-understandable question a few times in different ways. But she is apparently, short tongue and besides that, i didn't understand her.
So she raised her voice at me. Not shouting duh, but she stared at me like i'm some idiot who entered the wrong school.
Then she said:"I'll get back to you later."
It was pretty much expected that she didn't get back to me duh. Not that i wsih she would. I'm not even being biased. Tashi and Yiling beside me couldn't understand a shit she was saying as well.
MMM. She's a bitch la. I hope Mr Yeo comes back soon enough.
Nvm, i'm going out with Eli tomorrow:)))))) So she can explain to me. Even though sometimes i go home with eli and siya and bev, i still miss them. And Shiyun and Yanlin. And lushikoh.
Anyway su changed her blogskin. And who is the other person who calls sulin su!?! Annoying twit hah.
http://cupcakes-fortwo.blogspot.com/Anyway there's a lot of homework this weekend. Going to study with eli then maybe going out. :) Meet her so so SOOOOOOOO early tmr. Shit.
Labels: math bitch friends ramblings