ohoh.i actaually passed ma bases test-5/10!!!tsk tsk...the A-list i borrowed from de library was fab. and now i'm reading the au pairs. it's just as fab. i hope the true meaning of cleavage and makeover would be just as fab. geez.ma bro just lost his phone. whoa. he just bought a new one not long and he lost it. karma. not he's using the problematic8250. shoosh. NOKIA. gee.i dono what's wrong with blogskins noe. got prob one. cant getta template. sheesh.tmr got vball training w/ MR CHEW.freaking,frigging,mean,stupid,extra,,delirious,hypocritical,total bummer MR CHEW TAH LEE.and do ya think i look forward to that? shitty ass a thousand times no!and lion and ryan were sickening today. geez.lion was so spastic. he said if eu don want pay class fund then pay more by the day lor.so sarcastic.and yesterday yesterday didnt have time to update blog. so sorry. and also for yesterday.google.yesterday's yesterday, which was the 26th.went with bear bear and marcus to the library to do geog project. then finish, went take neoprint,then wanted to go starbucks or coffee bean but full house so had to go to delifrance. had a deli potatoi shared with beverly. delipotato with chicken. marcus had one with seafood.then jiamin, beverly's friend came. she's from dunman sec. from st hilda's.she 's damm nice. bear bear wanted the stephanie sun autobiography and she actually bought it. and beverly bought a simple plan cd in return for the steph sun autobiography.and marcus bdae was coming, so me+bear wanted to get something for him. sowe started to READ BETWEEN DE LINES...for whatever he said.like..."anything will do"so de word "will". we said. buy the cd Hitch, acted by WILL smith.geez. tsk tsk. it was so funny.and century square changed a damm lot.and pretty tokyo was damm crowded had difficulty squeezing but of course, not for me.i am so slim and slender, i had NO difficulty squeezing AT ALL...LOL.shit, got science test on wed. i eh, shall be sick on that day.geez.tsk. .ilu. >.tOodles.< [[.illusion.]]
Friday, February 25, 2005
damm it pissed shitty shit.damm fuck lah.today the mrs bok say want to change coach lah. in the middle of the tournament somemore. it's like why change the coach all of a sudden? what's the problem? mrs bok and the mmean mr chew say what he very uncivilised, full of vulgarities lor. what the? i mean who cares. he had been such a good coach.and got so many championships for us. and the dunman high principal didnt even go to him once to say thanks or congratulate. ok i admit he is very culgar and quite uncivilised but he is a good coach. they say long ago they already wanted to fire him but then beacause of the public [during tournament] sent email to the school saying that he was uncivilised and a bane to dunman high's gooddd reputation,they wanted to sack him? like eh. our parents even approve of him lah. our parents also from the public right?shitty ass. sorry now i in bad mood lah.alot of bad words.and do ya know that he was requested from hai sing catholic to coach their volleyball team? but he rejected beacause he wanted to focus on us. and he are getting rid of him just like that? it's unfair to him. and we all like him , he's humorous ,he teaches us life morals and values and all the shitty crap they say he is without moral values?they dont even understand him as well as we do for nuts lah! and he hasnt even taught me for 1/4 year and tears were already welling up in my eyes. the rest of the team were also like crying. and so were the seniors they were like debating with mrs bok and mrs bok is like, " i dont like ure attitude. eu people are simplyy over reacting."shes onbe bummer lah.i cant bear to see mr lim go seriously. i was crying away.bye mr im.stupid principal. make his stupid decision final. asshole.hope to see ya again.today's math common test was horrible. shitty.i bett i failed it.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
sometimes-*with my own words.slightly distorted. sometimes i cryy in darkness.when i feel pissed, by you . and ma friends. how loyal can eu get? i treat eu as ma friend, ma pal, ma best bud...what did ya do to me?eu led me to depression, to a state of nowhere, a state of no return. eternal happiness, please come to me.joy and peace, where are eu? dont hide.let me see yya face.sometimes when i cant find eu in ma heart, thats when i given up hope, on eu...i ask myself whether i need eu, whether eu were there for me in times of need.eu were untrue. unfaithful. eu betrayed ma. ma heart.i heart eu no more...lurve is all about chances.one chance is enough.no one needs no more than that.ohh ohh ohh.all the fucking shit that eu do. i need them no more.no more no more.sometimes i am defeated by eu, ohh, i never denied that. where is my lurve? where is my lurve?those fucked up friends.all that they do. all of them are hypocrites...black hearts behind their smiles.i never believed them. did eu? i tell eu not to. did eu believe me? eu never did.sometimes, sometimes, sometimes,i wish i could forget eu...ohh, ohh, ohh....
-by a group of friends who they named themselves--vulgarities.
| im so depressed. yea. thats the word. joking lah. just a good start for the text. (",) today had hmt ct 1. quite difficult leh. jiang ling lao shi didnt tell us what compo to study because she wasnt allowed to. but 1h and 1k they were told! unfair. their hmt teacher is so unfair. corrupted! she isnt supposed to say at all. like duh! what the. what a teacher. tmr got math ct 1. scary. the bases test was horrible enough. the sec 3 dhp going to paris/london this march lor. and we are like going to cheena china in year 5. so shitty. am very scared for tmr math ct 1. ohh. and gloria is very depressed. very. she's thinking of killing herself. in class, shes writing all on her hand about death. just look at her blog lah. look at ma links and see her blog and eu get what i mean. gloria please dont be stupid. yeah going to do a class blog soon for 1i like 6/1.!!!! yeah yeah yeah! probably going to sulin's house on sat to do it lah. but dono where's her house cause dono where's chai chee sec. so sad. geog's due on mon. haven done mapping .shitty dung. dont block my path. marcus doing the amendmts for ma report and a bit of the mapping. and bear bear jie-jie doing also. whoa. feel like going to starbucks to get a drink anyone free this sat? just tag ok?. my tag's currently empty cause i finally put it. just now. please tag. i dono how to make the huggy thing sulin did.sulin, can eu teach me? sulin's also scared. hurhur. shall not say the reason. it's private seriously! hoho. two more frigging papers to go. darn it. thats all cyaa!!! geez"-.-" .-.tOodles.-.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
seriously stress. lotsa homework. ryan was so sickening today. he spoilt my orange! for geog!. asshole.seriously arh. must relink sulin.since she change her blog...and tmr got hmt test and friday got math common test...like duh.the school think i robot arh? mentally sick, definately. just go ask any dunmanian. oh ya. i was talking about my orange.i was so nice to lend ryan my orange and he spoilt it. so corny,cocky,retard,weird,cool. he was there smiling and smiling and smiling. weird. when was he ever so nice?
Monday, February 21, 2005
hahs. ma phone's confiscated AGAIN. like duh.it was confiscated like a month ago lah. and i 've to wait till grounding period is over. and there is like TWO more frigging papers to go.TWO. common test. and bases test. urgh.today was talking to lion and he said he did his duty for arranging seats and tables. like. uh, sorry you didnt. is he trying to get me into trouble or what. lions are lions.and today have cme and history homework. phone is confiscated AGAIN. omg, its HEADLINES for that. i didnt use a lot k? my bill about same as my dad what. he still complain. *shouts+screams* shit. now w/ a phone. went to long john's for lunch today at tampines mall. cost me a lot and bought a lip spa today. whoa. tOodles.
| difficult to think of a title lah. thats why have such a title. bored. nth to talk about except school. three frigging papers to go. ok. now two. two geeky papers. bummer. one common math test. it's freaking ma out. it's freaking ma out. definately. tOodles.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
whoa. this weekend got so much homework... still got test next week... what the? seriously. after chinese new year then like that le... tsh tsh. hex hex whateva lah. duh, can i even do anything? hur hur. .:tOodles:.
| now at marcus's house. do geog proj. change my blog skin. nice? cant talk. must do report. .:tOodles:.
Friday, February 18, 2005
now at marcus house. change the blog skin./ nice? hope so. cant talk. must do report. .:tOodles:.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
seriously i dont noe whats wrong with blogger nowadays. got prob. nvm... i want a roxy bag and wallet! or maybe a MYUK wallet! and i haven bought the rest of the gossipgirl series! shit! sigh. i need to get a haircut. yeah. i will finally get to make my new specs on thurs. now in school. best buds are, beverly,hil"duh" sulin, rachel, etc etc lah. not in any order... gloria and simin and shuyi... yanlin,siew ting, and yiling...cindy... .:tOodles:.
| to leave or not to leave. should i or should i not? tell me. please... somebody... i need a shoulder to lean on, a place where my tears flows freely... if tears were a stairway and memories were a lane, i would have walked right to the top, to the place where i cannot, go higher. it is not for me to choose in whatever you do, but it is for me to decide, to leave you... it aint what you think. not that i am selfish. not that i am fickle. you broke my heart, you deserved that. just remember that, i am myself, though i am a bitch in your eyes.
Friday, February 11, 2005
chinese new year. i receive like only $300 to $400 only loh. less than last year. hope to get more this sat. saw tania today. in school. she came back to visit school. now in sajc. cool right? jc. so sad... i am not going jc. IP. and i maybe will see her tmr. well i saw her yeaterday. celine. chris. kel. and tania at her house. i got hist+geog assignment. plus cny cheena essay. shit lor. i got new phone. damm happy. will continue to be happy until then. .:tOodles:.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
chinese new year! i got like $300 to $400 dollars. now. haven count this sat's one... very lil. less than last year. anyway, i saw tania today.. she's now in sajc. well, so we just chatted a bit... but.i saw her yeaterday what. at her house. and celine. chris. kel. etc. won $4 only. lah. so sad. nvm. i will jia you! .:tOodles:.
Monday, February 07, 2005
yeah. tmr's CNY! today just completed a pretty simple math test. wasnt difficult like the first. just the fact that i didnt have enough time for the first. lol tomorrow will go and lo hei. finally...i get the "hongpao-in-my-hands" kind of feeling again. shiok sia... definately looking forward to that. serious. what could be more enjoyable than that right??? hur hur. i got history assignment lah... damm it. hex hex. tmr is my zi wo jie shao liao lor. shit lah. you must understand k? i must prepare. .:.tOodles.:.
♥ Hello.
This is my blog. my personal space, no designs no nothing. just my blog.
All my other stuff are at WithLove, it's my portfolio. There's no rules. Let me be me. I don't have to explain whatever that i do or say in here.
It's not exactly the greatest blog ever which has happy endings all the time, it's just a little online diary where i gather certain bits and pieces of my life
Click alt-F4 if you are unhappy. I don't need you here, dampening my mood.
& look
I'm Pamela, 14 years old, living in the sunny beautiful island of Singapore. I'm Asian, tanned and a volleyballer. I love shopping, slacking and reading. I prefer to think myself to be an optimist. I'm a bit of a blur queen, late queen and drama queen. And i appreciate the finer things in life. My birthday is on the 23rd May 1992. You really better remember it.
fresh jive
Lushikoh Nothing Nothings Skinny Jeans Room Nothing My Sacrifice by Creed $??? 11.30pm Nothing Just right People pink tee+pe shorts
Note that "Fresh Jive" is updated everytime i post or every once in a while.