i must be mad to say that the goblet of fire was fab. it sucked. i was saying in my previous post that harry was fab.i absolutely love him!!! so cute. lols. the movie was a big disappointment. totally NOT what i expected. the first few movies were definitely better! they cut so much and edited so much. that the whole story is so messy! and since when was dumbledore so not-fragile-or-weak, he was like so hyper in the movie???crap. jk rowling should totally creat harry's final love. starring Pamela Koh. wee. lols. ok. nvm. today was the match against peicai. we won. but they improved damned a lot. we won three they won two. kai qiu wasnt bad! hahs. whatever. tmr need to work. need to go cut hair le me. received sulin's letter today. amazing. it was an astonishing 5 pages!?! hah. didnt expect that from her. lols. need to do something about blog template. so bye. ciao. cya.
Friday, November 18, 2005
harry potter was fab. esp daniel radcliffe. i'm going mad. totally. everything was so awesome. so was prize presentation. haha. ok. wee. i'm mad.
Monday, November 14, 2005
hello. i'm posting so that my blog doesnt get stagnant. now wishing for: world peace dumbledore to be alive get millions of dollars by ***** to get into hogwarts or Constance to have the patience to make a blogskin to become 16 to grow to 168
i know this should be added on in wishlist. but whatever. ciao, cya. P.S. sorry to everybody about the fact that i was so late for drama fest today. really sorry.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
wee. went to watch ocean's concert the day before yesterday.. lala. saw him, FINALLY. he isn't that old but not that young too... then we waited at least 1 hour just before he made his appearance. shua da pai. totally. but quite far...cant see much lah... then we went off even before the press conference. the whole point is. we got to see derrick. yeah. weilian and sin hui also lah. three cheers for both sinhui and derrick esp. none for weilian. :/ whatever.that's exactly why me and beverly stayed there for so long. it was for derrick. ocean should thank derrick. then we went to suntec and shopped+++ and dinner!!! at KENNY ROGERS. how cool is that. wirking and spending my OWN money. there goes the sense of satisfaction. haha. then yesterday was lizards birthday!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZARD!!!it was fun la... although there werent any proper games... we just played marco polo and went to play badminton and went to the gym and played cards and had chocolate cake and a fab dinner. wee. jealous, anyone??? ok never mind. went to work today... just as normal, watched the jin qu jiang... whatever la. then oh ya. i am prob [not sure yet] moving house next year! yay! finally! haha.the time is llike 10.40 now. bro is the only one home now besides now. he needs to study for A's. it starts on the 8th. wee. good luck! haha.ok... i'm bored. ciao. cya! :]
♥ Hello.
This is my blog. my personal space, no designs no nothing. just my blog.
All my other stuff are at WithLove, it's my portfolio. There's no rules. Let me be me. I don't have to explain whatever that i do or say in here.
It's not exactly the greatest blog ever which has happy endings all the time, it's just a little online diary where i gather certain bits and pieces of my life
Click alt-F4 if you are unhappy. I don't need you here, dampening my mood.
& look
I'm Pamela, 14 years old, living in the sunny beautiful island of Singapore. I'm Asian, tanned and a volleyballer. I love shopping, slacking and reading. I prefer to think myself to be an optimist. I'm a bit of a blur queen, late queen and drama queen. And i appreciate the finer things in life. My birthday is on the 23rd May 1992. You really better remember it.
fresh jive
Lushikoh Nothing Nothings Skinny Jeans Room Nothing My Sacrifice by Creed $??? 11.30pm Nothing Just right People pink tee+pe shorts
Note that "Fresh Jive" is updated everytime i post or every once in a while.