MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! it is xmas!!! and it's OVER. duh but WHO CARES??? we are all in the holiday mood! went to malaysia!!! genting/KL. it was fun! and relatives came over too! i didnt work, yay! and i shopped a lot. DOUBLE yay! had lotsa fun. triple fucking yay! haha. excuse my vulgarities. haha. im too happy. they just left tonight! SAD SAD. I'LL MISS YOU GUYS!!! really. *sniffs* cya next year!!! :) PLUS. i bought like don't know how many clothes!!! at least 8 tops!!! haha. went to far east and bugis today! the guy in the shop wanderlust is really nice! WOW. hardly will you see sales people that nice! i thought they were EXTINCT. lols. and i got a really nice belt!!! bro and sis got lotsa stuff too. wee. haha. but we didnt walk the whole of far east today. not much la. still ok. and thee was a chalet/party a few days ago. there was so so so much food! it's madness. from LIVE scallops to grilles beef to cold cut with cavier to bbq crab. i almost died from stuffing myself. time to pig out! lols. went to orchard during xmas too! so much to say since i've not blogged for like eons! hah. i'm not gonna type every bit so just round it up! this week was fab! and i bought a shirt[birthday present] for bro in KL. haha. XMAS IS FAB. haha. yi yi has gone to nepal!! hahs.
my greatest fear arrive:
holiday homework. fuck it. another like 5 days to school reopen. starting tomorrow. need to cheong le. freak. URGH. whatever. until here. it's one now. cya guys soon??? lols.
Friday, December 16, 2005
haha. today was last vball training. hurray. but still there's going to be friendly matches. so sian. seriously. today's training was ok. not that good or bad. whatever. i received a too-early xmas card from bev! haha. there was a candy too! lols. how sweet. for once shes being exceptionally thoghtful and nice. haha. today's the 16th of dec already. my homework is like uh. not even half done. yeah. i know what you are thinking.i'm done for. lol.but it's holiday!!! we are supposed to let our hair down and like truly enjoy ourselves??? i think we really deserve it you know. it's break. whats the point of a holiday, when you have a full of shit homework awaiting you? uh. so ridiculous. don you think so?and yeah the rainbow connection the ending was so sucks. but sigh. yoyo is the main character so she stay alone lor. and i cant believe michelle agreed to be with david! OMG. whatever shit. poor ben and yoyo. and how come yoyo's leg is fine??? isnt there any side effects or whatever crap????? really. stupid ending la. and my new blog thingy doesnt seem to be working smoothly. i hate the codes and stuff. cant anybody help me???i'm like so pathetic. maybe i should just forget it???NO way.and i guess i just have to push myself??? but dont expect too much from me. uh. in case you forgot. its the holidays. if the whole blog thing is pissing off. i'll just cancel the whole thing. cant give a rat's squiggly ass. lol.tata. all for today. BYE. good night!!! ciao. P.S.two, four, six, eight, nine more days till XMAS!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
hello people. just painted my toenails pinkish purple last night. went to class outing this morn. and ah. woke up so sos o early. gosh. 8.10. can you believe it??? when i slept at like two??? my god. URGH. but lol. i was late. i mean, duh, what can they expect??? ^^whatever. class outing was so so so so invited to shiyun's really early birthday party!!! ^^ i ate so much ice cream and chips and played cards. we wanted to go cycling, but we didnt have enough time and eliz's butt was wet. sadly. so ridiculous. the wet butt will NOT do any harm to the bike! it will NOT, as i emphasize again, cause the damned bike to become rusty! UH.while some of the others also played cards, most of them like went to play at the beach. eww. the beach was so dirty, but they could still dig such a big hole??? OMG. my foot was seriously dirty too with all the mud and like donnoe what. disgusting. and there were like only 11 or 12 people who actually bothered to turn up. INCLUDING ME. wah.So we left. Me, shiyun, rachel and elizabeth. we headed down to orchard, went to cine, took neos, shop a lot, went to heeren, shop a lot. haha. wanted to watch movie, none was really like um suitable? lols. then we left. me and eli went to TM, and walk for a while lors. and then we headed... HOME. home sweet home.AND THE BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT EVER!!!i've decided to make my own blogskin, pushing myself against my lack of patience and perserverance!!!how wonderful!!! it would be one of my new year's resolutions!!! i hope it would be up by new year, and i hope you peeps can help me! i totally am starting from scratch? lols. i cant believe im actually doing this, cause i just cant be bothered. but you know why? i hate changing my blogskins and stuff. so i've decided to make one perfect skin once and for all.wee. hope everything is smooth. im starting from TODAY. wish me luck! i need it. ciao. tata! ^^
Friday, December 09, 2005
it's like the ninth of dec alr. obviously. there isnt much time left till the start of school. sadly. vball prac today was kae. wont be going to yiling's chalet. sadly. but will be able to go to the class outing again. so lame. seriously. so bored now. i want to watch bewitched!!! had a like talk with my bro yesterday night. wow. he was so deep. uh. whatever. im like so bored now. i donnoe what to do that i start to blog. mad me. i bought vaseline today. its petroleum jelly. cherry falvoured. hah. never mind. thats all for today. cya tmr. ciao! :]
Thursday, December 08, 2005
i just changed skin! yay. ok. bye. won all matches against junyuan today. yay. kai qiu all guo. yay. THREE CHEERS.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
i just recovered from fever. due to lack of water. because of volleyball. i hate trainingss. whatever. vball chalet coming up. OOH. just went to sheena's house. so bored. not working today. as i just recovered. ya. and bro came back from prom le. he was drunk. he said prom was fun. ya. so sad. i don have. haven started on homework. don want to. am really bored now. need to get new blogskin. ya. argh. bye.
♥ Hello.
This is my blog. my personal space, no designs no nothing. just my blog.
All my other stuff are at WithLove, it's my portfolio. There's no rules. Let me be me. I don't have to explain whatever that i do or say in here.
It's not exactly the greatest blog ever which has happy endings all the time, it's just a little online diary where i gather certain bits and pieces of my life
Click alt-F4 if you are unhappy. I don't need you here, dampening my mood.
& look
I'm Pamela, 14 years old, living in the sunny beautiful island of Singapore. I'm Asian, tanned and a volleyballer. I love shopping, slacking and reading. I prefer to think myself to be an optimist. I'm a bit of a blur queen, late queen and drama queen. And i appreciate the finer things in life. My birthday is on the 23rd May 1992. You really better remember it.
fresh jive
Lushikoh Nothing Nothings Skinny Jeans Room Nothing My Sacrifice by Creed $??? 11.30pm Nothing Just right People pink tee+pe shorts
Note that "Fresh Jive" is updated everytime i post or every once in a while.