haha. another few more hours to chinese new year's eve! yay! FINALLY. i bought a pair of Levi's!!! yay. my very first pair of Levi's. Although it's not the Inspire Envy one and bro has some negative comments, i don't care. weehehehe. it's CNY after all. so cut us some slack won't you? we so deserve it! and more more more clothes for new year. although i don't know where i put them. and i think they are a little casual. but whatever. heh. and im so looking forward to CNY!!! :)geez. there was training today. it was yet another training where coach would pick on me occasionally etc. whatever. and i couldn't go back to CZPS because of that and i STILL can't go back anytime soon because there will be a few matches ahead. first ngee ann then st hilda's. what a great combination. oh god. confirm lose one. still go compete for what... bought mum's earrings and yiling's present today at perlini's silver. heh. oh yeah. i won the pair of dreamer tickets in xing1 qi2 wu3 zhou1 bao4. yay! and yeah, bro said i not stupid 2 was nice, he said it was so so so touching. im gonna watch it with eli on chu1 san1!!! :] he is now in MOS or something. stupid boy. so what if he's 18 and im only 14. shit him. ^^ and we are playing angel mortal game. don't know who's my angel. my mortal's xinyan and she knows. got no idea why she WANTS to know. what's the point then? LOLs. my angel is so sweet and so nice. he or she gave me a paperweight bear and a wang4 wang4 for me to wang4 cause of CNY!!! THANKS ANGEL!!! and class tee come out le. the pic so small. so disgusting lols. and yeah. there was some conflict between rachel t and yuehuan. so sad... whatever. just a trivial matter. gtg now. dear sulin wants me to help her find pics for class blog. tsk tsk. im so nice. tata. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: SHAINA[30TH JAN] ZHUTING{27TH JAN] SHIYUN[30TH JAN] YILING[??? JAN] SHiYING[??? JAN]
Friday, January 20, 2006
im still here, online and surfing, when im supposed to go and sleep or at least do homework. shit. i seriouslt gtg. BYE. p.s.im trying cbox now anyway.
| im still here, online and surfing, when im supposed to go and sleep or at least do homework. shit. i seriouslt gtg. BYE. p.s.im trying cbox now anyway.
| i've got a thoroughly busy weekend ahead, with like a shit load of hw and stuff. tmr morning got training, then bev's birthday then reunion dinner. GREAT. and there was IVP just now, it seems okayyy...i slept through some of it, i don't know lah. Now i know that there are a few guys i really don't like. serious. so mean lah. and it's like i don't know lah. hahaha. whatever. i don't give a damn. and there's so much FREAKING homework. why is school being such a bitch? oh god. and today is yiling's birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YILING!!! :] went to bugis just now secretly. saw ah san gu gu and aunty brenda, they didn't see me though. lucky me. PHEW.heheheh. with eli of course. okok. gtg. loads of stuff to do. ciao.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
haha, im at the library now. later have vball tryouts. sian. siew ting's beside me all bored and restless. we are all bored people. haha. gloria is sadistic. just read her blog. and me yanlin siewting shiyun beverly and rachel are going to make a ****. haha. guess. it's not fuck. so don guess tt word it doesnt make sense anyway. we are a fuck? what the hell? lols. im so bored. weehahahaha. eli and jiajia and shiyun are at the tables donnoe doing what. and i found out that marcus has a blog. it's www.ahpoot.blogspot.com lol.his skin is like. oh wells. lols.-.-!!! theres this real nice blogskin i found. it's by mixtape. it's called take a chance. heheheh. ^^ my life is so sad. clara and yiling still painting classroom. yimei donnoe go where, the others also donnoe go where. siya never come. she pulled her hem string(i think) yesterday during vball when she wanted to jie qiu. sad sad. SIYA!!! RECOVER SOON!!! ;] haha. now this guy called zhengkai is on my right and siew ting's on my left. and i donnoe what im doing. im bored. im going to friendster now, and i donnoe what. maggiemarket??? ok. tata. ciao.
Friday, January 06, 2006
yeah, you can't deny it wasn't fun, the DHS amazing race thingy! it was so so so fun! the started task, then we had to go to st john then to tanjong pagar railway station which looked really ancient then we went to madiacorp, oh god. BUT, we took photos with Denise Keller! She seemed nice, but she really was a bitch in eye for a guy. REALLY. Me, beverly and hilda even signed on the walls. Even though we weren't artistes. And then we went to yio chu kang Stadium, the clue was mr yeo's face in Phua Chu Kang's outfit and many rings around him indicating a stadium. haha. then we went to kovan then had lunch there too.then we didn't have time for the last task, so we went back to school at 3.50 instead of 3.30. uh huh. we were so scared we were late, but instead, we were one of the earliest. sinhui's group were the last, about 2 whole hours late! And of course, we didn't win lah, but whatever. it was really fun!!! haha. Then we went for a small group dinner with kaiyi who wasn't in our group. We went to fish and co, the bill was about 100 dollars... beverly paid first. We ordered one seafood platter for one and one for two and three fish and chips. haha. i drank kola tonic. and the night fever song was like describing our mood! haha. then we went home. tada. what a fab day. going to shiyun's birthday party later. haha. and yesterday was cheryl's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL!!! gtg. tata. ciao.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
www.cjb.net www.gossipgirls.cjb.net PERFECT??? just the site which has everything about gossipgirl. GOSSIPGIRL, YOU ROCK! haha. lol. i went to the cjb.net and made weblogs, forums and stuff. quite interesting actually. lol. first week of school is painting. me sulin and ryan are like doing the blog, which im a blur to. haha. i designed the class tee this time, lols. www.smoochielicious.cjb.net i did that for fun, no use actually, cant blog and stuff. I CUT MY HAIR TO A BOYISH LIKE BOB! say say. TSK TSK. i look WEIRD NOW. thats the only word. lols. haha. still doing the smoochielicious.cjb.net. tata. ciao/^^
♥ Hello.
This is my blog. my personal space, no designs no nothing. just my blog.
All my other stuff are at WithLove, it's my portfolio. There's no rules. Let me be me. I don't have to explain whatever that i do or say in here.
It's not exactly the greatest blog ever which has happy endings all the time, it's just a little online diary where i gather certain bits and pieces of my life
Click alt-F4 if you are unhappy. I don't need you here, dampening my mood.
& look
I'm Pamela, 14 years old, living in the sunny beautiful island of Singapore. I'm Asian, tanned and a volleyballer. I love shopping, slacking and reading. I prefer to think myself to be an optimist. I'm a bit of a blur queen, late queen and drama queen. And i appreciate the finer things in life. My birthday is on the 23rd May 1992. You really better remember it.
fresh jive
Lushikoh Nothing Nothings Skinny Jeans Room Nothing My Sacrifice by Creed $??? 11.30pm Nothing Just right People pink tee+pe shorts
Note that "Fresh Jive" is updated everytime i post or every once in a while.