ah. thursday was so enjoyable. at least in the morning and early afternoon... sorry im writing on something that is like 2 days ago... wahaha. went on the lushikoh outing. and we took so so so many neos ley. heh. ah. not that many also la. we got the lushikoh coffee drink from MUJI. yays^^i was a tad late only la. not even THAT late. maybe just a lil la. su was like grumbling away. bla bla bla. lols. anyway, i'll try to upload the neos or something la. see how. but there's one neo there you people must absolutely see!!! hahahaha. it's like more about sulin la. caption is "lushikoh cofee drink enhances boobs" lols. it's so-so-so-so-so-so-soooo funny la. haha. i think i shall not go into details la. su will absolutely kill me. heh. but i can't resist laughing!!! i finally finished charlie and the chocolate factory worksheet. im probably going to study some math later then do hist tmr. wee. friday's training was dumb. we hardly trained cause we had to teach the sec ones. poof. what a waste of time lols. then yimei didn't come we had to take bus ourselves. so we took 3o, in the end, i took the bus with yiling adryl and katherine. it's like katherine's birthday in 25 minutes and donnoe how many seconds. haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHERINE!!! rock on babe. sis and me went to mac for breakfast. tsk tsk. there were so many people there and we were there like in the clothes we wear to sleep cause we were so so so lazy. but we were hungry so we just walked there and stuff. yes and there's math CT on mon. i'm really freaking stressed over math la. i totally need tuition le la. i really really cant do freaking indices. URGH. and i seriously got no idea how im gonna do hist tmr ley. so sian. yeah. and GRH and i were chatting yesterday. i've got no idea he had tution from ziyu's mum!!! seriously. i don't know how i feel over this matter. not exactly shocked, not really nonchalent... i don't know. it just feels weird la. yes, i just watched xian1 jian4 qi2 xia2 zhuan4. i swear it is the most amazing show ever. i LOVE xiaoyao. i hope he wld be with ling er forever and ever and ever. i do hope he wont be with yueru. shes nice la but i prefer ling er and god ling er is pregnant la. wth, please let xiaoyao be with ling er!!!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE xiaoyao and i want him to be with ling er la. she is so pretty la. but then it seems like xiaoyao is moving towards yueru. i dont hate yueru la but ling er!?!?!?! xiaoyao was with her at first la so please pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls................ let xiaoyao be with ling er. those who second my opinion in letting xiaoyao be with ling er, please tag my board. let's have a petition. although we dont know who xiaoyao is gonna be with, but if we do the petition thingy, then ling er would confirm be with xiaoyao!!! i LOVE XIAOYAO. I HOPE HE"LL BE WITH LING ER!!! anyway. xian1 jian4 qi2 xia2 zhuan4 is read in chinese. the numbers beside the words are the 'han yu pin yin'. it's a show on u channel every saturday from 9 to 11pm. it's the best show ever. and i really thank the directors and producers for giving me my xiaoyao and prob ling er. PROBABLY. *and xiaoyao is read as xiao1 yao2 and ling er is read as ling2 er. the 'er' for ling er is just 'er' it has no particular pinyin, so it should be read smoothly in complement to the 'ling' in front. yueru is read as yue4 ru2.* it's like 5 minutes to twelve now. happy birthday katherine! [again]hahaha. yes. I LOVE XIAOYAO <3xiaoyao> i know that seems obviously stupid. but i don't care. I LOVE XIAOYAO. he is so cute and handsome and smart and quick and his eyes are so beautiful. he looks so good when his hair is not tied too!!! his hair will sweep around his gorgeous chiselled face!!! they showed it when the song is played at the ending of the show. there were tears he was crying and there was a lil blood from the corner of his lips!!! he is so cute! he looks so cute when he's sad or in pain too! or when he's fighting!!! god. i shall not carry on anout him or else it'll be like a bottomless pit. ANYWAY. I LOVE XIAOYAO. i still don't know what is his real name. i'll go check some time. it's twelve now. HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY KATHERINE!!!!!!!!!! <3xiaoyao>
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
haha! i cut my hair AGAIN! lollies! for an amazing 6 dollars haha. i went cut at mum's friend's place. wee. discount heh. i think it looks loads better than my stupid old hair style that's ALWAYS looking frazzled and "pong" or whatever you call it. ah. uncle benture just came by, to pass me some buns and the cell phone and the watch. hurray. hah. did you guys watch campus superstar revival? who got in ah. i hope adriano and geraldine gets in. they were like the best, honestly. (no offence to those supporting the others) sigh. please tag my board if you know.. oh and did i mention that our 2i class blog is ready??? it's like so NICE now. go check it out at my links there or simply click here: http://www.ismosquerade.blogspot.com it's done by sulin. she's so pro la. im like so dumb la. i like got dreamweaver and stuff but when i read the tutorials and stuff, i;m in a blur la. dont even know what they are talking about. i dont know how to use it too. fine i shall admit it. i never listen in computer. i blog during com. but isn't that better? then my readers will be able to read more and enjoy and they'll feel happy! it's all for the betterment of the public, you know.it's so much better than computer. but obviously, i'm kinda regretting the fact that i did not listen to computer though. sorry ms zhong. and YES. did i say i absolutely LOVE and ADORE math? it's like my fav. subject??? feel the sarcasm okayy. there's like a math common test this coming mon or tue. about indices and sets and whatever shit. i don know how to do la. wanted to find ms ngau today but she's so sick, so i decided not to find her. maybe fri at 1.30. GET WELL SOON, MS NGAU. there's a holiday tmr due to the o levels' good results whatever. going out with hil and su! cant wait. weehheheh. gtg for dinner. tata. love you loads. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARETH!!! miss you and your crap loads!!! ciao.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
i finally changed my phone! HIP HIP HURRAY. NOKIA 7360. the golden one you know??? my dad got the voucher and i trade in my phone for a $100 and i only had to pay a lil. yippee. congratulate me people. okayy. there's so much freaking homework. the reason why i turned on the com is because i had to find the wang wei thing for ACC. bleaugh. i studied math till two last night. and i still don't underastand a shit. abisshOO. i hate math. whatever. CTs are coming. somebody kill me??? please...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY TO ALL!!! HEH.it's valentine's day, and yes, i forgot to bring everybody's presents. seriously. what is wrong with me. im such a blur queen. and yes. valentine's day presents. i'ld really like to thank someone for the gifts and roses kayy. thanks- :) uhhuh. and of course. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!! love you always:) big smoochies. and yes, we'll probably still have the singles party. wahaha. the best of both worlds. and yes. i and e was the last lesson gor me cause im in ivp. bleaugh. mrs wong is such a cow. and sulin is so freaking brave la. :/ stood up to her and t alk to her like she so bu shuang. omg la. sulin. wo3 chong2 bai4 ni3!!! and i seriously want to murdur the fucking referee who kicked us out of the nationals just like that. stupid bastard. the ball was freaking OUT. and he dare believe those cheating lying fuckheads from pasir ris huh. and said it was in. we could have won that match with that single ball la. wtf------- urgh. nvm. gtg. ciao and tata. big smoochies to all and enjoy valentine's day!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
do you guys think that the pixels in "me" are ugly? bleaugh. please please please tell me!^^
| hahaha. we won junyuan yesterday in the vball match.^^ woots. im eating a bowl of blueberry morning now. bleaughs. i saw a nice white handbag witha vintage touch to it at bugis not long. and it's so cheap! like 30+ only la, heh. spend so much money today because of beverly. tsk tsk. today's science test was horrible. i'm gonna failll le. wish me luck. i totally need it. went to tm just now with siewting rachel and beverly. bought beverly's damned present. haha. jk la. but whatever. we bought lotsa stuff la. from urban concept and surf and ski[bought beverly's wallet there] and i bought sulin's cinnamoron keychain. bleah. and they also bought rachel t's birthday present. lols. i bought le... can you all imagine that i borrowed Shopaholic Abroad[my all time fave.]from my school's library??? as in DUNMAN HIGH library? AMAZING. there's training tmr. i don exactly dread it, but i don't exactly hope for it you know. it really depends on my mood tmr.i'm nice. i hope life's great for you. but life's oh-so-NOT-great for me. :( sheesh. somebody save me. valentine's coming. should i go or not? urgh. any opinions??? anyone? anyone? ANYONE??? i gtg. must go online for dear sulin. she needs the pictures for the class blog. tata.
Friday, February 03, 2006
i finally got flash, coldfusion, photoshop, dreamweaver, extension..heh. woohoo. i didnt blog during cny i noe.. or did i? i forgot. whatever. tournament is horrible. c girls haven won. we could have won.. really. b girls won all so far. ok. im sick now. ciao.
♥ Hello.
This is my blog. my personal space, no designs no nothing. just my blog.
All my other stuff are at WithLove, it's my portfolio. There's no rules. Let me be me. I don't have to explain whatever that i do or say in here.
It's not exactly the greatest blog ever which has happy endings all the time, it's just a little online diary where i gather certain bits and pieces of my life
Click alt-F4 if you are unhappy. I don't need you here, dampening my mood.
& look
I'm Pamela, 14 years old, living in the sunny beautiful island of Singapore. I'm Asian, tanned and a volleyballer. I love shopping, slacking and reading. I prefer to think myself to be an optimist. I'm a bit of a blur queen, late queen and drama queen. And i appreciate the finer things in life. My birthday is on the 23rd May 1992. You really better remember it.
fresh jive
Lushikoh Nothing Nothings Skinny Jeans Room Nothing My Sacrifice by Creed $??? 11.30pm Nothing Just right People pink tee+pe shorts
Note that "Fresh Jive" is updated everytime i post or every once in a while.