have any of you read the latest xiaxue's posts? it is so amusing! xiaxue was like fuck here and fuck there... wahaha. she's so retarded! the comments she makes are so un-intelligent. isnt it true??? i don exactly hate her. but STILL. what is her problem with her ex avid fan??? diao lo.somebody is sitting beside me now... she does not want to be named. she is so lame. the lamest person on earth. yes, she is afraid that her name will appear on my post. lame right. she is staring at me now like don know for what. ok fine. i shall stop.just had my health check!!! i cant believe my spine is curved 3 degrees postive! the nurse said never mind one, very mild... BUT STILL. i cant be a model anymore. lols. haha. not that i really want to be one, but isn't it cool to strut on the walk way and earn several thousand dollars? TSK. those cheaters. bleaugh. go to hell. and the nurses were quarreling over whether i should take height and weight. two nurses against one senior nurse. the senior nurse won, i had to take my height and weight. this shows that as long as you are OLD, you win. what crap! where's the justice in the world???anyway, chinese painting was funny! the teacher said something like "lao3 shi1 you3 yi4 ge4 xue2 sheng1... ta1 xie3 yi4 shou3 shi1 lai2 pei4 lao3 shi1 de4 shi1. lao3 shi1 hen3 gan3 dong4". like double uber diao. we so don want to know. but nvm. he is so comical. he says "join" to be like "joi"!!! haha. if you cant read the chinese han yu pin yin, that means you are like indian or something. sorry but im racist. what can you do? im not trying to be mean... but really. a lot of people are racist.the person beside me knocks her head against the table. she is opposed to blogs. like blogs like mine. she finds them wu2 liao2!!! anyway, im in the com lab now... later got horrid training. feel like poning training. but CANNOT. i got caught for my hair today. by miss toady eye. MS FANG. not pronounced at F-ANG in my opinion but FANG( as in the fangs of the vampire). wahaha. she looks like toad what. like TOTALLY. just now i ate lunch with marcus, lionel did join us then me and marc went library and lionel appear again, or rather goofy. lionel the goofy. he's so spastic then they were talking. and me la. but they had to go for CCA, thus they have gone off first. i am supposed to do IVP and math but whatever. 25 days till my birthday!!! ok. FINE. BYE. crap too much le.
napfa was actually quite okayy! haha./. i got A, B, B, B, A.. bah. i did 35 sit ups and got an A for that, 40 for sit and reach which is plain horrid, 167 for standing broad jump (lousy), 14 inclined pull ups and 11s for shuttle run which i got an A. TSK. we had science quiz today which was horrible. SERIOUSLY, i didnt even manage to complete the paper. darn it. i hate science! why cant science just die off some where in the near future cause it had be proven that science is no good to the brain and that science will cause bodily harm if you study too deep into the subject? Why cant there be a Jesus on Science and sacrifice himself to prove this fact? Then this will spare us all that agony of studying science. Life's sick!I got my level camp groupings today.. Sinhui is in my group... she is one of the leaders and so is Der Hui from 2L... and Jin Tao is in my group. I believe my group may just be the ideal focus of attention.. bleaugh. we will have a health check tmr! sigh, i don wanna strip. lets hope we don have to! god, what if we have to? what if the nurse is a lesbian and she starts molesting us? and when she molests us, she says that she's only checking for our bodily problems??? oh god. im being so paranoid!anyway, 26 more days till my birthday! =D BYE.
tomorrow is napfa five items.. scary huh. we got our lushikoh site, did i say? www.lushikoh.blogspot.comgot it? you can go and access if you have the means to, but obviously, you don have cause i put a password. wouldi allow youto see all those rants and gossiping and bitching around. no way. anyway, too much of those is not good for health. so you better not read. and im starting to miss those lushikoh outings already..i wanted to post so many things yesterday, i typed so much then poof, i couldn't publish the post.wth right. anyway, we presented the sciencetoy today.our toy is so retarded.. like a woody woodpecker? i guess nobody would really play it. -.-!!mdm john didnt come today... ivp was boring, math was the same, ACC test was fine and rah, nothing worth mentioning. ah ya. nothing le..28 more days till my birthday!!!1. a digi cam2. imac3. ipod nano4. all in my wishlist... bah.yiyi said that maybe both me and her could go take jap together! YAY^^ will say more when the time comes...BYE.
i love week 2 mondays... cause there's 2 periods of ACC, one period cme, science, history and malay, there two periods computer(lovee*) and PCCG or assembly. so perfect for a blue monday. i think i will ask ms zhong about the dreamweaver thingy. then she can help me and teach me..yay^^ wahaha. then i'll be able to create my dream web. gee. if thats even possible la. i think my com become freaking lag. since the broadband thing. and my keypad sucks. URGH. and the 'title' of each post is so irritating. cant think of a nice one la... and fuck the pop-ups. and do you know? we have a lushikoh site already... ohh. aren't you just jealous?? it has ALL our rants and gossiping and bitching around. and you wont get to know any of it.. no, no. NONE. okay, the URL: www.lushikoh.blogspot.com got it? good. cause you still won't be able to access. why? cause i put a password, idiot. and there's is much backstabbing and stuff, it's probably bad for health to read. BUT. if you treat me real well and bribe me with a million bucks or give me my xiaoyao. i can give you an obvious hint... haha. oh, trust me, won't you? we had the leadership thing today, it really was quite fun! SERIOUS. at first i thought it was gonna be horrible. but it turned out fine. the trainer was really funny with all that exaggerating expressions!!!:) a bit spastic(not as bad as lionel though)!!! going to do math proj! BYE.
i love week 2 mondays... cause there's 2 periods of ACC, one period cme, science, history and malay, there two periods computer(lovee*) and PCCG or assembly. so perfect for a blue monday. i think i will ask ms zhong about the dreamweaver thingy. then she can help me and teach me..yay^^ wahaha. then i'll be able to create my dream web. gee. if thats even possible la.
i think my com become freaking lag. since the broadband thing. and my keypad sucks. URGH. and the 'title' of each post is so irritating. cant think of a nice one la... and fuck the pop-ups.
and do you know? we have a lushikoh site already... ohh. aren't you just jealous?? it has ALL our rants and gossiping and bitching around. and you wont get to know any of it.. no, no. NONE. okay, the URL:
got it? good. cause you still won't be able to access. why? cause i put a password, idiot. and there's is much backstabbing and stuff, it's probably bad for health to read.
if you treat me real well and bribe me with a million bucks or gove me my xiaoyao. i can give you an obvious hint... haha. oh, trust me, won't you?
we had the leadership thing today, it really was quite fun! SERIOUS. at first i thought it was gonna be horrible. but it turned out fine. the trainer was really funny with all that exaggerating expressions!!!:) a bit spastic(not as bad as lionel though)!!!
going to do math proj! BYE.
i love week 2 mondays... cause there's 2 periods of ACC, one period cme, science, history and malay, there two periods computer(lovee*) and PCCG or assembly. so perfect for a blue monday. i think i will ask ms zhong about the dreamweaver thingy. then she can help me and teach me..yay^^ wahaha. then i'll be able to create my dream web. gee. if thats even possible la.
i think my com become freaking lag. since the broadband thing. and my keypad sucks. URGH. and the 'title' of each post is so irritating. cant think of a nice one la... and fuck the pop-ups.
and do you know? we have a lushikoh site already... ohh. aren't you just jealous?? it has ALL our rants and gossiping and bitching around. and you wont get to know any of it.. no, no. NONE. okay, the URL:
got it? good. cause you still won't be able to access. why? cause i put a password, idiot. and there's is much backstabbing and stuff, it's probably bad for health to read.
if you treat me real well and bribe me with a million bucks or gove me my xiaoyao. i can give you an obvious hint... haha. oh, trust me, won't you?
we had the leadership thing today, it really was quite fun! SERIOUS. at first i thought it was gonna be horrible. but it turned out fine. the trainer was really funny with all that exaggerating expressions!!!:) a bit spastic(not as bad as lionel though)!!!
going to do math proj! BYE.
i love week 2 mondays... cause there's 2 periods of ACC, one period cme, science, history and malay, there two periods computer(lovee*) and PCCG or assembly. so perfect for a blue monday. i think i will ask ms zhong about the dreamweaver thingy. then she can help me and teach me..yay^^ wahaha. then i'll be able to create my dream web. gee. if thats even possible la. i think my com become freaking lag. since the broadband thing. and my keypad sucks. URGH. and the 'title' of each post is so irritating. cant think of a nice one la... and fuck the pop-ups. and do you know? we have a lushikoh site already... ohh. aren't you just jealous?? it has ALL our rants and gossiping and bitching around. and you wont get to know any of it.. no, no. NONE. okay, the URL: www.lushikoh.blogspot.com got it? good. cause you still won't be able to access. why? cause i put a password, idiot. and there's is much backstabbing and stuff, it's probably bad for health to read. BUT. if you treat me real well and bribe me with a million bucks or gove me my xiaoyao. i can give you an obvious hint... haha. oh, trust me, won't you? we had the leadership thing today, it really was quite fun! SERIOUS. at first i thought it was gonna be horrible. but it turned out fine. the trainer was really funny with all that exaggerating expressions!!!:) a bit spastic(not as bad as lionel though)!!! going to do math proj! BYE.
i love week 2 mondays... cause there's 2 periods of ACC, one period cme, science, history and malay, there two periods computer(lovee*) and PCCG or assembly. so perfect for a blue monday. i think i will ask ms zhong about the dreamweaver thingy. then she can help me and teach me..yay^^ wahaha. then i'll be able to create my dream web. gee. if thats even possible la.i think my com become freaking lag. since the broadband thing. and my keypad sucks. URGH. and the 'title' of each post is so irritating. cant think of a nice one la... and fuck the pop-ups.and do you know? we have a lushikoh site already... ohh. aren't you just jealous?? it has ALL our rants and gossiping and bitching around. and you wont get to know any of it.. no, no. NONE. okay, the URL:www.lushikoh.blogspot.comgot it? good. cause you still won't be able to access. why? cause i put a password, idiot. and there's is much backstabbing and stuff, it's probably bad for health to read. BUT.if you treat me real well and bribe me with a million bucks or gove me my xiaoyao. i can give you an obvious hint... haha. oh, trust me, won't you?we had the leadership thing today, it really was quite fun! SERIOUS. at first i thought it was gonna be horrible. but it turned out fine. the trainer was really funny with all that exaggerating expressions!!!:) a bit spastic(not as bad as lionel though)!!!going to do math proj! BYE.
i love week 2 mondays... cause there's 2 periods of ACC, one period cme, science, history and malay, there two periods computer(lovee*) and PCCG or assembly. so perfect for a blue monday. i think i will ask ms zhong about the dreamweaver thingy. then she can help me and teach me..yay^^ wahaha. then i'll be able to create my dream web. gee. if thats even possible la.i think my com become freaking lag. since the broadband thing. and my keypad sucks. URGH. and the 'title' of each post is so irritating. cant think of a nice one la... and fuck the pop-ups.and do you know? we have a lushikoh site already... ohh. aren't you just jealous?? it has ALL our rants and gossiping and bitching around. and you wont get to know any of it.. no, no. NONE. okay, the URL:www.lushikoh.blogspot.comgot it? good. cause you still won't be able to access. why? cause i put a password, idiot. and there's is much backstabbing and stuff, it's probably bad for health to read. BUT.if you treat me real well and bribe me with a million bucks or gove me my xiaoyao. i can give you an obvious hint... haha. oh, trust me, won't you?we had the leadership thing today, it really was quite fun! SERIOUS. at first i thought it was gonna be horrible. but it turned out fine. the trainer was really funny with all that exaggerating expressions!!!:) a bit spastic(not as bad as lionel though)!!!going to do math proj! BYE.
i love my computer but now that it's going bonkers. i guess we'll just have to re format it. and reformatting means that everything will be gone. yes, gone, forever. TSK. i saved all i could in the thumbdrive. but it's still not big enough to contain everything. sigh. never mind. i shall borrow the discs from ms zhong again.yesterday we had steamboat at yi yi's house. it was fantastic lol. there was too much food, and i ate till i was like erm. bloated.yes. haha. there was grilled bacon with tomatoes and mushrooms etc etc besides the steamboat and we had mini doughnuts for like erm dessert. you got any idea how fattening and fulling are doughnuts, even though they were mini doughnuts? no, you've got no idea. sigh. i am gonna put on another five kg after that meal.. yesterday xian jian qi xia zhuan was damn sad, i thought i would feel happy when yueru die, but in fact i felt so so sad leys. why ah. i think i kinda like yueru le.a lot. now xiaoyao is alone. when going to find stuff etc. nvm,ling er will be with him. and tang yu xiao bao die! im so so sad over his death also. like so touching, but i find his way of dying quite lame. yueru and tang yu xiao bao died yesterday! i feel so sad la. TSK!!!bleaugh. bye.
yesterday i went to bev house to do science toy and yes. we finished it. it really is a simple toy but i feel so accomplished. then we went to teoheng to sing, for like four hours? yay^^ so fun lo. then we scream at the song 'di4 yi1 tian1' cause it wasso high. haha. it was really fun la. then i reached home quite late though. No. 10 takes so long to go to bev house. ah yo. anyway, there is so much homework and tests and projects that is so scary la. there's malay and lang arts test next week and there's history and math and chinese tests next next week. SIGH. i think im gonna burst with the stress. serious. like math, science proj, hist debate, geog perfomance task. TSK. im reading the book 'Life Swap' by Jane Green which i borrowed from Serene, its like i hope to have a life swap too. but i don know who wants a life swap with me. who would want to live my life?mum made croissants for breakfast. LOVEE* smells so good. hah. bro is coming home soon, today! he's got a letter from NUS. yay^^ i feel so happy for him. we are going to yi yu's house for steamboat dinner! hah.i made the lushikoh site le. but it's still under contruction k.so don go look! anyway, there's a password so you cant access to all that bitching and rants about everybody. bleaugh.anyway. i needa to do rachel t's blog as well. ah ya. so busy. BYE.
i got broad band today! im too happy about it to talk about other stuff. feeling too happy, thus lazy to blog. BYE.excessive release of endorphinbasking in pure happiness
for once, i'm really trying to learnt the irritating video editing. so complicated ley. why would anybody want to learn anyway? i think its like quite a waste of time la. LOLs. no offence to IT geeks. SO MA2 FAN2!!! sigh. i resign myself to fate. but ms zhong is so nice. so i shall TRY. im in the com lab now anyway.TSK.there was pe today, we RAN 8 rounds la. madnesss right. then we played volleyball. it wasnt very fun cause the others (my classmates) didnt know how to play.dad was super angry at me yesterday cause i used the internet for a very long time. i think he's gonna kill me when the bill comes this month. but after a while, he wasn't angry anymore. yay^^ anyway, he's going China in like a week i think. from the 27th to don know when. i think four days only. but im gonna go out while i can when he's overseas. gee.i think im getting stressed. i received two math quizes just now, got 4/10 for one and 6/10 for another. sigh. then we are learning a new math topic somemore. and there's an upcoming math and lang arts test!!! HELP.there's training later. Siya's not going. she tore her muscles. training. is. gonna. be. boring.and i uploaded new fanlisting. go SEE. hahahah. ah ya. boring. BYE.
i loved training today. wonderful, totally fab. because of the fact that it was raining, we didnt train, we just played and played and played lols. and do PT la. but no biggie, we were playing like 3/4 of the time. yippee. then we ended early too. me and adryl and yiling went to cheers, we stayed there so long just deciding what to buy. in the end, we ended up buying kinder bueno lor. then one piece of my kinder bueno broke and dropped on the floor somemore. TSK right.school was okayy today... stella john didnt come. happy happy* then we had TWO free periods ok!!! this kinda thing does not come everyday! so sad right. and i bought seventeen today anyway. and i borrowed teenage from bev so i got two mags to read. wahaha. i just completed my own history. yeaps. wah. its 10.15 now. so late le! FREAK. online so long. die le la. ahyo. i want to say sorry to cindy anyway. my posts were a bit harsh cause i was super pissed. ignore me k. i always like that one. very irritating de. bleaugh.i saw kawoon on the mrt on the way home! LOLS. i too bored le. AHH. i miss kor too much. thanks millie. for your encouragement!!! :)okayy. BYE.
today is probably the most boring day of my life. serious. ive either been reading or doing homework this whole day. yes. it's a bloody sunday and i have to stay at home, cooped up with homeowrk. wtf right. homework spoils everything. tsk. anyway. im very happy about something. xiaoyao is going to be with linger!!! and yueru is going to die. heh. i feel mean, nvm. but the thing is xiao yao is going to be with linger. i watched the short part after the show yesterday. you know.. those that sh ow a bit of the next episode's show? right after the show ends? yup, thats the one. he's going to be like 'linger! wo3 dui4 bu4 qi2 ni3!!!' yay^^ i cant wait for next saturday. why cant life be just saturdays? so sad right. today i read the teenage textbook and now im reading the teenage workbook. its actually quite nice to read lols. quite interesting la. and entertaining. mum is sick anyway. she's gone to the doctors, and the doctors said________________??? i don know. i didnt ask. im so unfillial right, but should be ok ba. like cough and sore throat and phlegm. get well soon, mum!!!anyway, im supposed to do history. so BYE.
long post.
i just came back not long... and i finally get the chance to sit down and type. i went for band concert just now(details below), after which i went home with rachel tang. then we walked very fast and i twisted my ankle. TSK. she was afraid that her dad will scold or whatsoever la. which i thought was, oh wells. when i reached tampines, i decided to buy something to eat as i felt really hungry la, so i went to cheers and bought bread and i walked home. on the way back home just now, i felt so... alone, so quiet, not exactly in a bad way though. i was just listening to my ipod mini, listening to songs like A Song For Lady by H.O.T and many others by Norah Jones. I love her songs. never mind. i haven blogged in like what two days? and i already feel like i haven blogged for a long time. it's 12.40 now. i shall see what time it is when i finally finish typing.
so i said i just came home from the band concert at Victoria Theatre Hall, i thought the band concert was almost definitely better than the CO concert. at least i think so, cause i don really like CO. bah. it was supposed to end at nine, in the end, it ended at like ten. mad right. they even played a few songs which wasnt included. they even had to play to thank mrs wong, the teacher whom i have taken dislike upon the first moment i set my eyes on her. and they played tong hua of all songs, so out of place right? and i desperately needed to go to the toilet cause i didn't during the interval cause there were so many people queuing up. so ma fan, then i had to ren3 until the concert end la. then it kept prolonging. bleaugh. and guess what i slept a lil at the second half of the concert. iwas too tired la. and the music was like suitable? haha. didn't see many people, i only say hanmeng, and kawoon, xiuli and hil. i couldnt see yiling and ryan and lionel lo. wth hell right. all because eli was late again and we couldnt get the good seats, i was seating at Row X!?! stupid eli la. this morning also, today we had to do IVP proj, then siewting was already at the N2 and i was already walking there then eli smsed me and said that she had to go for some church thingy and she couldnt make it la. at that moment i was like, what the fuck is wrong with you? to elizabeth la, duh. then whatever, so we didnt do the IVP in the end. me and siewting went to macs, and guardian and tested all the make up foundation and we went to the supermarket and i bought pretz lalala. yak yadda yadda yak yak la. then i went back home. ok anyway, band concert was nice, they played many songs which i like, like the phantom of the opera etc. and i like the sun lu guy, he played really well, i even thought it felt like jazz. whoa right.
then anyway, before i went for band concert and after i went home when i went to the N2, i went to the Expo!!! yay^^ imagine, eli told me she was there too, and she went to the john little and book sale too! i been to the both of the sale too! but i didnt see her all the same. we bought so many things at the john little sale, at first i wanted to buy some shoes one, but in the end also never buy, go shop with mum, in the end, we went home with bras and panties. yes, we know that pierre cardin is having a sale, so is hush puppies, triumph, felancy bla bla. we even bought underwear for bro and dad, and renoma boxers for bro even. then we went to the book sale, there was hardly time left, i could only buy three books la. don even have time to look at all that amazing books. and it was one for $4, three for $10 la. WTH right. so freaking cheap, how can i not buy? so i bought:the good people of new york by Thisbe Nissennormal girl by Molly Jong-FastA thing(or two) about Curtis and Camilla by Nick Fowleryes, only three pathetic books, and you know something? when we were queuing for the john little sale, there was this woman who wanted to cut out queue la,, then we sorta got her away in front of us and 'pushed' her to the back of us. hahah. but the auntie behind us was angry and 'pushed' that woman behind again. wahaha. that stupid lady. so dumb. think can cut MY queue huh. get lost la, chey!
oh kor came back yesterday, he is BALD. i mean it. he is not skin head shaven but still bald. when you touch his hair now, its like so cute!!! the little bits of hair sticking up on your hand. god, i miss kor so much. he came back for good friday and he left just now le. i did say bye to him before i went for band concert though. kor has to wear his green uniform now and when he came back he was so smelly because of all that sweat. eww right. poor kor. i suddenly feel so lucky to be a girl born before 1997. gee.
yesterday was the four schools' combined meeting!!! i wanted to blog about this yesterday but i didnt have time ma. i saw adriano!!! imagine. he was wearing a yellow pe shirt and a cap so cute right, i borrowd clarissa's bino i think, or her friend's la. but anyway, itts not the point, i saw adriano!! lols. we won quite a fair bit yesterday, like not too bad la, perfomance was not bad for our school. eli didnt run, she wasnt chosen. we won the cheering competition too!!! i rememeber that our school c girls won quite a number, like ophilia and shiying etc and eva and katherine won also for shotpart(i know my spelling is wrong)... it was quite a happy day la, quite fun... and the most important thing was kor came back yesterday! and the sad thing is that he left today.. TSK right. now im in the room, iris is sleeping like a log le la. i need to sleep too. i couldnt blog about the sports meet yesterday cause i watched 'Just Like Heaven' once i came home, the show is so sweet can, i love mark ruffalo. but he kissed elizabeth and she woke up le. so dumb la. ah yo. anyway, our school had the most 'candidates' or whatever you call it for the sports meet, temasek had the least i think. ngee ann was ok, chung cheng was so AP, like half or more of the school left during the prize presentation la. we couldnt even leave, we werent allowed to. dumb right.
and i went to the sports meet with cindy lo. at first i was supposed to meet her at tampines so i could pluck my eyebrows ma. she was reluctant then she said yes la, but i think she regretted, and tried to tell me she dont want. then i was like 'wa lao, you say ok le..................bla' then she had to go la. the next morning she came up with an excuse and said she couldnt make it. i was effing pissed. i was like wtf. then i decided to get over it. maybe pluck another day perhaps? so i still went with her la, then i read her msgs, she was msging simin about me la! like im damn irritating bla and bla, now i know why people think bad about me. this only show that i should choose my friends properly le la. im like never gonna ask some people again le la. i rather go myself.
its 1.25 now and im uber tired, i needa get some rest so that i can do my homework tmr. good night.p.s. happy good friday, people!!! -.-!!
bloody hell, i realised i got a freaking white hair la. what the hell right. im under too much stress le la. i need to RELAAAX. whahaha. seriously, and oops, i doubt i can go with su on friday because dad wants me to stay at home to pei bro, so i shall pei kor since he'll be back for only one day. so sad right... i shall sms su later or maybe tag her. i think she's gonna kill me la. i can already hear her in my mind. oh freak. bah. pray hard for me.
and bev lent me her colour chinese mag, i think i folded it a LITTLE and im not sure if it was me who made it a bit dirty too what, but she's already smsing me to check le lo all because got her idol he4 jun4 xiang2 on the cover. bleaugh. im like so more worth it then him right. nvm, i think im gonna explode my sms again lo. TSK. and stupid bev have to buy a chinese mag, like who reads a chinese mag? anyway, there was a lot of celeb stuff in the mag as in chinese and jop stars la, there was even w-inds, su's favourite band... actually keita did look quite good from certain angles. note, from certain angles. and there was even tang yu xiao bao!! he looks better in casual wear, definitely.
ivp was spastic today la, we didnt even do much and kept crapping and we were still the best group. this shows how smart we are la. its a fact la. hah, i bhb la. anyway, after that, me and siewting went to TM, we bought some materials for ivp and i bought my ZA True White Vitamin Powder and ZA True White Two Way Foundation then i receive three small bottles of ZA products as gifts, namely, the True White Lotion, Truw White Cleansing Foam and True White Emulsion. yay^^ im so happy over it lor. gee, mum promised to share with me one though, but obviously, i am going to be the one using it most of the time... LOLS. i haven't got kor's contacts, he's gonna smack me, bah. then i bought some sushi, siewting bought bread and eli bought famous amos, yes, again. i swear, half of her shit is probably famous amos cookies. eso the pecan one. lmao.
tomorrow's maureen's birthday.
anyway, i gotta go search history, BYE.
P.S. kor's coming back in two, four, six, eight, two days!!!
haha. i dont know why im blogging now. i think im too sian la. i am doing Lord Of the Rings worksheet now.. And i feel bored, so i start blogging. wahahaha. anyway for people who need help and info, just go to wikipedia.com and type Lord Of the Rings, there will be a whole load of info, i got most of my info there. wikipedia rocks man. BAH. never mind. and i cant log into MSN, what is wrong with the Net? TSK. forget it. there is no indices re re test again. how many times have it been postponed back? but all the same, i feel relieved and happy when i know its been postponed again. BUT, we cant procrastinate all the time yeah? so hope itll be over and easy soon. the fonts i downloaded cant be used la. wth. i still spend so much time trying to download them. and my stupid computer got no chinese, freak la, no chinese cannot do a lot of things. anybody got chinese software? me want to borrow. hah.today me and marcus wanted to have lunch but then the damned canteen was too crowded, but seriously, the canteen is effing small. so i bought pocky strawberry and he bought some grape sweet and we went up to class. so lame right. then yimei ask why he keep doing the neck thing. TSK. i also don know, i never ask le, although im curious. freak me la. training today was so so la. it's getting tougher though. that i have to admit. and i can kai shang shou with palm le. yay^^gtg. BYE.
i definitely feel better now. xian1 jian4 qi2 xia2 zhuan4 cheered me up a lot. god, i don think i i can live without it le la. but so sad xiao yao is gonna be with yueru confirm. Forget it. i accept this as a fact, so long he still loves ling er. bro smses me like every night, so i know hows he doing, but also never sms much la, whatever los. at least i stay in touch right. he says NS sucks so far, and he cant wait to get home. NOW you know how nice your family, esp, your sister is. he's going to come back this thurs for good friday on friday. he'll be bald. i cant wait to see, lols.blogger has a few problems recently, i cant log in leys. anyway, i was told that i was called a flirt, and when sulin told me, i wasn't angry at all. in fact, i was just nonchalent. what is wrong with me??? bah.i am at com lab for com lesson now as usual. i was caught just now for my skirt. it wasnt even that short. but the teacher who caught me wasnt that mean. she was just like "hey, you grow very tall ah.." in chinese la. then i was like.. oh wells, you know, the usual.there is the narrogin exchange programme today. marcus is hosting him. bleaugh. he is not blonde, he has dark hair and is angmoh, everything you needa know about him. TSK.JJ is coming anytime. dangerous. so BYE.
I know crying my heart out in the bathroom is not going to make you come home, but i don't know why. I just did. I know crying in front of you just now will only make you feel worse than you were already feeling. That's why i didn't. How i wished that you didn't have to go for National Service, all the way at Pulau Tekong. And that today, 8th April 2006, was the day of your enlistment.I know i'm gonna miss you like hell, cause i already am, kor.
The moment i reached home, i decided to bathe. The reason being? I knew i would cry, so i decided to cry in the toilet while bathing, which in my opinion is the best way to cry. Because the water rushing down from the shower would wash away the tears that flowed down. And that nobody could hear the soft whimpering that was inavoidable when you cry. i cried on the ferry back too, from Pulau Tekong to mainland. It was cold in the ferry and i decided to take the window seat cause i was afraid i would cry, and only by sitting by the window, people would not see. I was very quiet, then aunt casey talked to me, she could see that i was sad over bro's departure for NS, so she was like, cheer up, don't be sad, this is part and parcel of life etc. Then somehow, upon hearing these words, my tears started flowing. i faced the window, my head on my arms, i could even feel how hot my tears were, compared to the cold environment. I don't even know why i was crying, when bro was coming back home next thurs. It was incontrollable. If kor was willing to stay at home when he comes home next thurs, not go out with his friends but with family, i would gladly stay at home to accompany him. I wouldn't even go out with sulin before band concert just to accompany him for booking in. Really. I'm just afraid that i would start my crying fetish again when i see you leaving... Just like today, i felt horrible when i see you leave... then i cried only in the ferry and in the shower... I really didn't want to cry, but i couldn't help it. But during the tour in the NS BMTC, i saw the bunk and the beds and the food was okay, at least you were well taken care of, then i didn't feel so bad. Life's just not the same without you. When i come home, you are not there, when i don know how to do math, you are also not there anymore to teach me, scold me, call me a retard... When i step inside your room, i feel horrible just seeing your clothes all around. And that you are not. I rather you scold me, quarrel with me, watch movies with me, whatever, as long as you are there. I'm not crying now, but i still feel sad. I guess i'll get over it soon, hopefully. Hopefully xian1 jian4 qi2 xia2 zhuan4 will cheer me up later.
And i don't really know why there's the army, for several reasons, but i shall not say it here as i might get sued. FREAK LA.
There's still homework. Fuck homework. DIe homework DIE!!!!! Get away from my life.
P.S. take care kor! miss you loads already!!!
OOPS. the two pictures i uploaded in the previous posts was too big. but i don't care. here's another one. I am the designer of the class tee, thus i am proud to present something i designed. Sorry to upload it only now when the class tee has been made long ago. BYE.
Haha..i just came home from volleyball training, then me, bro, sis, mum and aunt casey went out for dinner at "My Mum's Place". The food there is great!!! I hereby recommend ALL my readers to go and try the crsipy squid, the sambal deep fried fish, taupok thingy and MOST OF ALL: the infamous durian pudding. It is NOT just ANY pudding. It's made of authenic durian and the entire pudding is just cold, soft, thick, rich pudding! One mouth and you'll be panting for more, i guarantee, at least, for avid durian lovers. wahaha. the bill was $102.50, bro paid half cause he promised to treat my aunt. wee, but he didn't have enough to treat us cause he already treated us YESTERDAY. TSK. anyway, yesterday's dinner was just as good as the dinner today! Bro had to treat my entire family with grandpa and grandma (paternal) and uncle zen and irene jie(Irene jie was really funny in the car back home).We had like black pepper crab, cereal prawn, etc etc, even thinking about it makes me hungry(Bro is so nice right) But i am obviously NOT hungry because i just had a hearty dinner, so now im home, blogging, tomorrow's saturday anyway. There's always enough time for homework... Or is there?cause i just had a hearty dinner, so now im home, blogging, tomorrow's saturday anyway. There's always enough time for homework... Or is there?
Speaking of tomorrow, i am so sad. Bro is entering NS tomorrow, im so going to miss you, bro!!! Who's going to criticise on my bad taste? WHo's going to teach me math? *sobs sobs* Take care, kor...(just like i will take care of your room cause' i'm so taking OVER it, gee) love you loads, even when you have a bald head.
Oh yes, there's a new jappy girl in my class for the exchange programme, she was here on wednesday, and she left today... so sad. Her name is Sayuri(not vegetable in Malay la, DUH). She's really quite pretty, and ziyu is awww so crazy over her. Right ziyu? Today, still fake fake talk to me cause you want to know whether Sayuri left le right. DIAO la. She is so goddamn skinny and she's about my height la.. But it's like she looks so kawaii with the two ponytails and legwarmers and converse blue-checked canvas shoes. wahaha. i know i am very observant in terms of clothes. She has like brown eyes too... All in all, she's pretty.
Gee, today was like the first time i went out with Marcus for lunch, we literally WALKED to KFC. Yes, from Dunman High to the KFC, freak right. But it was okay la, it wasn't very awkward also, we talk and talk and talk about everything and about nothing la, then we ate la. He couldn't finish his meal entirely cause he ordered a zinger meal. Then when walking to the KFC, Weicong, Ryan and Kenneth i think were following us, but soon, they overtook us cause we or rather, I was walking so slowly. Gee, then they ordered take aways and left pretty soon, then i saw Clara Ng there with quite a number of 2Jateka-ians... Mayping was like "Eh, tomorrow got xian1 jian4", then im like "Ya lor ya lor. haha." Then we finished our meal, then we WALKED back again. Just imagine. But it was windy so it was okay.
Training was normal today, like okay la. Didn't do exceptionally well or bad. But i could see that Yimei got pissed off by Coach again. And Shiying got caught by Mr Loo/Lu for her hair. He literally cut her hair off and now it looks like a bob. Frigging gross. I'll never let my hair be cut by him, i think my head and hair will like rot, as in like a simile or something la. It's a sarcastic remark, so feel the sarcasm please. Bah. Shiying and Adryl didn't come to training today cause they went for track(four schools combined sports day). and Adryl finally sent me the pictures. i FINALLY see her online, but she could only send me two pictures cause i had to go offline le. TSK. anyway, i shall upload the two for you peeps to see.
Shiying at the most left, then me, beside me is Adryl, beside Adryl is Yimei and above Adryl is Yiling and beside Yiling is SHEENA. Us, at mediacorp to support Clara. God, this picture is so long ago.
And this one is the one wit Yuyang.. YAY^^ He's so cute.
Bro has gone to watch V for Vendetta with Wanying, and im going to watch Just Like Heaven dvd later. So i heard, Dexter have broke up with Kelly and Wanying has a crush on Dexter.. How interesting.
There is a UK trip coming up, hope it's not too expensive so i can go. wee. Pray, pray HARD. bleaugh.
Shall end here. BYE.
P.S. take care kor. love you always.
okayy. yuehuan and siewting are beside me now.yuehuan: hellosiewting moansyuehuan: your head just slipped downboth of them laugh as i type.yuehuan: pamela has so many typo errors.siewting: hmmm.they laugh again.siewting: are you so bored?both of them snigger.yuehuan sniggers loudernow they laugh.i laugh tooyuehuan: (says something i cant hear)yuehuan: you make me sound like a pig!they keep silentsiewting gets choked by her laughterme: okwhy the hell did i say ok?i don know.just then, we can hear a thunder.yuehuan: wah.. the thunder! we keep silent again,this is going to be a meaningless post.as you can pretty much see.siewting puts her head on yuehuan shoulderyuehuan: siewting's head is very heavy, all that brain inside.yuehuan laughs hystericallyyuehuan: its a compliment! your math so good!siewting: AHEMyuehuan: it is!yuehuan laughs again.i: okfor don know what.i: oki: againsomebody two seats from us say: hey!i:okyuehuan sniggersyuehuan: no i didn't!end of conversationinteresting right. wahaha. in case you don know who these two lamers are...this is yuehuan...
this is me at the most left and siewting in the middle. you don have to bother about who's at the right.. hahaha/ ok, never mind. she's rachel chua
yuehuan thinks that i should not blog anymore and go home...me: what else should i say?yuehuan: no more. bye bye, lets go home.it has a rhythm. no-------- moreee. byeeeee, byeeeeee, letssssssssss goooooooooooooo homeeeeeeeeee. drag it and you'll sound like yuehuan. gee.ok fine. im super lame. BYE.i stare at yuehuan, hoping she say bye.yuehuan: *laughs* what!i stare at siewting, hoping she say bye.siewting: ..............................siewting stares at me.we stare at the screen.yuehuan: no more rain... lets go.and off we go!!! BYE.
happy april's fool day! today i got tricked la. and i couldnt trick anybody at all. HMMMph. tsk. im so lousy. gee. gareth tricked me la. he smsed me like this:Gareth: Lol.. I ps lar.. Haiz.. Nvm i juz ask.. Can can can er.. Can be my stead?Me: Uh no. Why this sudden question?Gareth: I think you forgot what day today is already..Me: What the hell la. Lols.Gareth: Sorry.. PaisehMe: Never mind la lols....SEE? i cant believe i got tricked by this la!! USH. how dumb can i get. Gareth, i swear im gonna get you for this dude. mark my words, this is so unfair i got tricked lols.yes, i was late again today. im REALLY sorry. i mean i already said sorry, why does she have to keep harping on it? like she doesn't have any flaws la. whatever la, being pissed doesnt make me feel different from feeling pissed. you know, you can just tell me why you are pissed with me and say it out. please dont go "it's okay, never mind.." then the next thing you do is like do a roundabout and be sarcastic. bitch. just tell me in the face. i hate people who got no guts la. and i don give a damn whether you read this or not. cause im frigging pissed.today co concert was great la, but i don really like co you, i just went there to support shiyun. i couldn't see shiyun playing cause the person sitting in front of me had a big head. how i wished i bought the night ticket. it probably saved me all that agony i had to bear.saw yixian today, she wearing white framed specs now. cool.and rachel, sorry, i couldnt find you and the others and there was limited time for the interval, so i just went with my friend, sorry, couldn't explain just now.. because.. oh wells.didn't shop much today at town cause we had no time as someone sarcastically put it that somebody(me) was late. and we couldn't take neos also, because of the SAME reason... fine fine fine. so i just shut up la, im so maginemous(spelling is wrong) unlike somebody. whatever. i know what you think about me, my friend, sheena, told me le, so don bother defending yourself. forget the unhappiness, its all meant to vent my anger anyway, once you read it, please forget it, it means no harm. i changed skin as you can see. and when i came home today, i forgot to bring keys, so i had to wait outside for bro and sis to come back from marina. so i listen to ipod and sms ronghui. ronghui is so nice lor. he and ziyu was supposed to go to the concert but instead they went to play games at the arcade and plaza sing. ziyu said they wanted to play land at first somemore. -.-" watched xian1 jian4 qi2 xia2 zhuan4 today. talk so much about jinyuan la. talk so lil bout xiaoyao. tsk tsk. sigh.nothing much le. bye.