I simply cannot describe how bored i am. Just think, i'm resorting to blogging during work. Sales is really quite bad. Like everybody is slacking. There isn't much to do and i'm not feeling well. I feel damn sick. I spent the entire afternoon sleeping. that's how bad it is. Like i just lay on the bed, trying to force myself to sleep.
And then i had to pull myself up for work. Even though i was feeling quite ill. SIGH. I didn't want to go to work, but i can't just cancel my slot. :( Must be bcos of vball training yesteraday. I feel sore all over due to that muscle ache.
SPARE ME. There's still training tmr. I may not go. See if i'm still feeling sore and sick.
Oh yes, i bought the latest Hu Ge's show already, after so long.
"Till Death Do Us Part", i watch until the fifth episode. It's like quite draggy, i shall be truthful. It's quite long la, but overall its ok. Maybe cos i haven't reach the exciting parts yet.I think "The Little Fairy" is the nicest among all his shows. Heh.
I must go post in lushikoh blog~ Ciao.
i just came back not long from Long Beach Restaurant, cause it was ah goong's bday. Ah goong, obviously, is my paternal grandad. He is 76 this year. Wow. He's healthy and happy of course, he's MY grandad,whaddya think? I mean, I just can't imagine myself that old. Like imagine YOURSELF old, wrinkly, and not exactly in the pink of health. Quite impossible, aint it??
Yes, i knew it. Course it is impossible. It's even impossible to try to do it with photoshop. Not that anybody would, cause why would anyone want to make themselves older and uglier? Man, if you do that, you've got NO common sense. And i know you don't, so do it.
I sorta tried to imagine, but all i could get (the final product at like age, 75?) was like me now. The exact same face. My face must be like, infused with tonnes of botox i guess. Or that i'm an immortal. But i quite like the idea that i still look like this even when i'm 75.
And back to the topic, i wish Ah Goong happiness, prosperity and great health! :))
I'm still quite full from that dinner, how many courses i don't know. Just saw cherie's boyfriend there and nothing much le la. And woah, Millie got a NAVAl PIERCING. That's cool. I was thinking of getting one next time. But i think Dad will like, disown me. So i think i better not. I'm not good at keeping things under wraps. Yes of course i'm not. I'm way too innocent.
I just watch Russel Peters. GOD, people, please go watch him on Youtube. In case you don't know what youtube is, it's
www.youtube.com , a video site. Just type in "Russel Peters" And click on the Canada Central one. He's amazing. Freakking funny.
Somebody's gonna hurt real bad.
As quoted by him, or his dad. LMAO.
Right, enough about the nonsense. I'm not gonna post the pics yet! Course i haven got Siewting's share. When i get photos from everyone, then i post ok, about the steamboat dinner, last day and 2nd/3rd last days of school etc. All those memories! Way too precious.
I shall go now~Bye. RMB to watch Russel Peters, it's worthed it.
i just came back not long from Long Beach Restaurant, cause it was ah goong's bday. Ah goong, obviously, is my paternal grandad. He is 76 this year. Wow. He's healthy and happy of course, he's
MY grandad,whaddya think? I mean, I just can't imagine myself that old. Like imagine
YOURSELF old, wrinkly, and not exactly in the pink of health. Quite impossible, aint it??
Yes, i knew it. Course it is impossible. It's even impossible to try to do it with photoshop. Not that anybody would, cause why would anyone want to make themselves older and uglier? Man, if you do that, you've got NO common sense. And i know you don't, so do it.
I sorta tried to imagine, but all i could get (the final product at like age, 75?) was like me now. The exact same face. My face must be like, infused with tonnes of botox i guess. Or that i'm an immortal. But i quite like the idea that i still look like this even when i'm 75.
And back to the topic, i wish Ah Goong happiness, prosperity and great health! :))
I'm still quite full from that dinner, how many courses i don't know. Just saw cherie's boyfriend there and nothing much le la. And woah, Millie got a NAVAl PIERCING. That's cool. I was thinking of getting one next time. But i think Dad will like, disown me. So i think i better not. I'm not good at keeping things under wraps. Yes of course i'm not. I'm way too innocent.
I just watch Russel Peters. GOD, people, please go watch him on Youtube. In case you don't know what youtube is, it's
www.youtube.com , a video site. Just type in "Russel Peters" And click on the Canada Central one. He's amazing. Freakking funny.
Somebody's gonna hurt real bad.As quoted by him, or his dad. LMAO.
Right, enough about the nonsense. I'm not gonna post the pics yet! Course i haven got Siewting's share. When i get photos from everyone, then i post ok, about the steamboat dinner, last day and 2nd/3rd last days of school etc. All those memories! Way too precious.
I shall go now~Bye. RMB to watch Russel Peters, it's worthed it.
Its 11.31, but its still morning. and i dont know why im blogging. (god, this rhymes) i'm listening to sunrise by norah jones, see that jukebox at the sidebar. yeaps thats the one. but it's not really working well..it stops like halfway. sigh.
i haven got the photos from yesterday's farewell buffet for xinyan and loads of other photos i took with the class people. i will post them up once i get them.
i just woke up. i feel drony, prob yest was last day of school and i havent gotten over it. i think i will soon la. i just know that i will miss 2i like hell.
i dont know what to post about so i mightaswell post the neos from the lushikoh outing.

That's the "Hangman", we were all hanging from the bar. It certainly looks like we were having a party, with all that decor too. Designed by all/some of us??? Can't remember.

TASTY GRAPES. This was designed by su, it's simple and nice. Though su looks spastic as usual, with that opened mouth~

Thought we were prepared for this? NO ><

This was just totally random! Designed by su.

We are priceless. Designed by Hil.

Rashiko on bed. (Bed is just the background design lol) Designed by me!
Hil only scanned in these few.. Thus, not all the neos we've taken are here.
Shall stop now... Ciao.
today is the last freakking day of school, it ends 2i o6' and its also the last time i'll ever study in that narnia classrm again. i didn't cry. amazingly. cos i thought i really would cry. i didnt hug anyone besides rachel t and sulin cos they hug me. cos i know ill break down and cry. sigh.
it prolly be the last time sitting in serene's dad's car to school again. maybe.
i really wanted to cry when i said: "Good-bye 2i" before i left. it wasnt as heart wrenching as it was when i left CZPS, but it was still sad. i loved 2i. i dont want to change classes, i dont want to mix with those lians of the SAP who talk so damn loudly without grace and self respect. it is completely disgracing to be in the same class as them.
su's also leaving for VJ, xinyan's leaving for NJ, i just came back from xinyan's farewell party, i didnt go to work. had steamboat and loads of fun at rachel c's house. ill also rmb tonight people. no matter what happens i love 2i, atom, lushikoh, and all my friends!!! i really will miss you.
i cant imagine being in a class w/o bev's chatter, eli's lameness, siya's diao-ness, shiyun's tei voice, rachel c's red face, lionel's annoyingness, ryan's retardedness, yanlin's blurness, hil's sweetness, su's madness, xinyan's smartness, siewting's seriousness, rachel t's laughter, yuanjun's brains, kiayi's siao-ness and so much more. simply too much to write.
i will be terribly sad for a while. ill be looking forward to the chalet though. i guess, not many said their goodbyes today cos everybody is looking forward to the chalet. but by the end of the chalet, it really means its over. we'll meet up of cos, go teoheng, lushikoh outing... but as a class, its really diff. ill miss all of you truckloads. even for those whom im not too close with.. we are all part of 2i, lets rmb 2i as a whole united, bonded class~forever.
i love 2ismos 06 and its narnian classrm, all my lovely friends there and teachers. ill miss you all, for sure. lets try to stay in touch, and never forget pamela, no 11, pe rep and once math rep of 2i. ill rmb all of you^^
i guess, i sorta written out my depressing mood. im worried about sec three and loads. but now, im just sad. words can hardly write out my feelings now, but yeah, whatever.
with that, it marks the end of 2i 06' as a class,....
Or the beginning or 3? 07'?
today was lushikoh outing no what???? I got no idea. i woke up at an ungodly hour of like eight thirty. i was then subconsciously sleeping, with my phone vibrating under my pillow every few minutes. people from everywhere were like looking for me. i was going to be late for the class chalet organisation shit, which turned out to be..shit, yes, a COMPLETE waste of time.
when i got there i was like at cheers flipping thru the magazines, reading all the dirt dished by the various celebs. nth interesting. the norm, brad misses jen or whatever. not like we really care abt the celeb's life. like ours are way more impt.
but of cos.then ryan came and he wandered around cheers while i stayed at the mags corner. i was smsing CQ hah. there was simply nth to do, this early in the morn that is. esp at downtown east, where the fun really starts in the evening. the others had gone to pasir ris park. to take pics or whatever. more liekly to get bitten by the blood thirsty commander like mosquitoes. buzz buzz. eek.
then we went to like the food court, i barely ate anything even though i was starving. cos i was heading for town later, and having lunch with su and hil. :D i ate a few scoops of ice kachang and fumbled around with the rubric cube. which i failed to make all the sides all the same colour. i was constantly being laughed by kiayi. thank you. i cant believe that thing. its impossible to do. i cant believe daniel thinks its entertainment. my god.
then we went to town, hil and me were early, we wandered around wheelock and met su and went to liat tower for lunch at BK, i was hoping for a better lunch though. BK just sucks sometimes. but whatever. BK was fine nyways.
and we walked all the way to heeren to take neos :)) but b4 that we went to kino and i bought the latest GG bk, i haven finished reading. yeah, but finishing. this bk is great, compared to some of the earlier bks. this is the best cover anyway, among all, this is the cover that i like the best, cos its like so classy and elegant. we were deciding to buy lushikoh bk, but we didnt, cos i didnt want. chip and dale bk was just so wrong for lushikoh. lol. not tt i got anythign against chip and dale. they are rather cute actually.
we took neos. twice. at heeren, its just diff taking neos with lushikoh and others. its like, more fun, like more the high life feel. and all the crap we talk, and the few gossips and stuff.. its just fun. we dont have to worry or care, just enjoy.
then we walked back to wheelock to get my aunt's cake which i didnt in the end, but we got su's present. like those cute miniature stuff. su like these kind of stuff, so yeaps, we bought. then she was like grinning like an idiot i tell you, when i passed it to her, like an innocent child given ice cream or smth. lol.
hil was wearing light brown-gray surfer pants and an pink adidas top, looking way sporty than supposed, bcos she was at her grans n she didnt have clothes there. but its was ok la. and pink flip flops. i was wearing a DNKY brown tight fit top with jeans and beach slippers. su was wearing a blue top with too many unbuttoned buttons (as usual) and blue and white striped shorts, that would look ridiculous w/o a proper combi of e top. but she managed to pull it off. the prob was her metallic pink diamente birkenstocks. way wrong.
thats abt it, we went home, i met gor and max at the traffic junction and we went home together. yiyi was there, making chiffon cakes, again. hah.
not a bad thing, but too much of that cake will just accumulate more fats in my gargatuann body. urgh. going back to reading my book soon i guess. hoep sch will be fine tmr. nights.
i/we got back our papers today. exam papers. EXAM PAPERS. i didnt score very well, kinda expected. i didn't expect to do
SO badly for my math paper. i was damn freakking disappointed. it was really kinda shocking that i almost failed.
really.luckily my CA2 pulled me up. or else im dead shit. so my math got a B for overall. which isnt very good of cos. not esp when the two beside me are gonna get freakking As.
i was damn happy for hist. lang arts and geog were so so. nth much, just plain decent grades.
and lushikoh book is found. i wanna smack su, shes so blur and she keeps insisting its not her who lost it. like WTH.
im watching Tokyo Juliet now. i havent bought fahrenhait's cd.. shall go buy some time soon. :)) i read the it girl by cecily von ziegesar already. lionel was so amusing. he stared at the book and pointed at the word "fucking" and said in a damn serious tone
:"that's damn vulgar." i wasn't shocked by his reaction but rather, surprised at his facial expression. DAMN FUNNY. hah.
and thanks to siya and lionel, or maybe not thanks, i was trying so hard to feel a bit more guilty and reflect but they kept cheering me up and made me laugh. i could hardly feel depressed. tsk.
that a good thing or bad thing i dont know. i just know im getting back to my show and i have a surprise soon. hopefully:)
today's the first day o work which was great. i couldnt describe it better. i was really quite nervous at first. but when i got into the shop and started to learn the stuff, they were pretty much the same, just a million times easier. i dont even have to stand up and walk etc. i got the hang quite fast cos i worked b4 i guess and the way home was just absolutely undescribable but ill try my best to describe la. hah.
its like i rode to work, i took quite a long time to find the shop as it s a new outlet. but we i went home it was so beautiful. i rode silently down that narrow, winding, covered-with-yellow-leaves path. the streetlights were shining, pale mellow soft light. the wind was blowing my hair, sweeping past my face and rustling when it passes the leaves of the huge trees laying overhead. the sky was starkk and beautiful in it's own humble quiet way.
hopefully work from now on will be as great as it can be. whatever happens, i know that at least, i can enjoy the ride home.
enuf bout work. now back to school.
we lost the interclass. i feel angry just thinking about it, we shouldnt have won. its my fault. i didnt serve properly.
SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY. we could have won H. ><
i guess it doesnt matter for me, cos it doesnt matter to me whether we won the interclass or not. but i guess i owe the class one, cos i think the class pple wanted the vball interclass to win. tsk.
i sneaked into
You, Me and Dupree. it was quite stupid, not worthed sneaking in and risking the risk of getting caught. There was nothing really sexual and yeah whatever. It was dumb la.
oh wells, i went to bugis with eli today aft sch, we bought kamio japan paper pads and bought pop corn. eli's my popcorn partner-in-crime. :))
gonna stop here :))
i feel a sudden urge to delete all my webspaces. i don't know. i feel like im losing the interest, the touch of the computer. it doesnt hold anything for me at all as it sort of used to. like its not indispensable anymore, not like it was indispensable, just that, even after the exams are over, i dont even feel like using the computer and tidy up CHARME.
its in a pathetic state i know. i want to delete it already. its dumb and dusty and i cant be bothered to clear it up. its like a webspace that is dead. and im too lazy to clear it up. maybe.
maybe i'm just over the webspace and domains thingy, like everybody is dort of having a webspace thats why im blogging and doing such stuff. maybe i was a noob at first and i hardly knew anything, hardly, and now i know how it works, and so, the novelty has worn off me. i may be just too lazy or maybe im too fed up with my life that i cant be bothered. even though i dont know why im fed up with my life. cos, my parents arent divorced, im not sickly, im not terrible looking etc. my life is kinda mediocre. even though i hate to admit. people may not ssay it all and stuff. but behind that facade, isnt it what it is all abt?
pretense. thats all it is.
even in school, like everyone is pretending, sometimes with relatives, with family. i have to pretend like i could do it, even when i was unsure. i dont want the weekend to end, cos ill have to play interclass, school starts formally, results will come out. im likely to fail. and the chances of 2I winning interclass, its very very low. cos we dont even play possesion. this sucks.
vball training sucked, the last i meant. i wasnt feeling very well, i played like shit. now thinking abt it, i wonder if i chose the wrong CCA. maybe. probably. i really dont want to think abt it. but i guess i cant really help it eh.
i watched zhing ji yi ban already. i love fahrenhait. :)) they are the best boy band, chinese, ever. even better than F4. i think i might actually buy their album. ^^ yay yay.
im too lazy to type any longer cos i want to watch fei lun hai on youtube. they are quite cute actually. i actually like jiro a bit more now. heh.
i was just whiling my time away in the library moments ago, snugged up against the leather bench with an O.C. book. it was great, i went to the library after school today. and i spent a good few hours day, actually bcos i had to return some books that were due today. yeaps. but not like i wouldn't go to the library even if i had no reason.
books are a wonderful companion, and an escape to reality. they are part of life that you simply cannot live without. unless you hate books of cos, i do hate some books too. like science fiction. this is a completely subjective opinion of mine and pls do not hate me bcos of it.
science fiction stuff are way off the charts. they talk abt revolution yadda yadda, but they sort of only happen like what, 2000 years down the road, which aint going to happen in our life time, so what is the point of reading such books eh??? tell me la.
and today's post exam activity was quite fun la... bowling was quite ok. didnt bowl very well. partly cos i haven been to a bowling alley for so long. maybe. the leslie guy was so funny, hes th ecoash and he do very funny stuff and he boasts abt his bowling career and stuff. like wtf.
then we went back to school from orchid country club, and there was a guest, royston tan. he's a filmmaker, and we watched more of his films today. he's my inspiration. i want to be a filmmaker. like him! and go to sapporo. wee.
i cant wait to change my skin-hehe.
bye, till then perhaps.
I went skating with Shiying and Siya today! WEE. It was fun la, but i fell down twice. -.-" And i got WET. :(( but its fine la. the skates were dirty wet and dingy and the ticket woman was damn AP. don't know whats her problem la.
my feet is hurting like HELL. damn pain cos i cant skate very well. its been ages since i last skated. LONG LONG AGO in malaysia. haha. then i skated quite unstably.
i saw dehui and his flock of girl friends. so funny. and he threw ice down my back la. WTH. (~_~) I'll get that back. MARK MY WORDS. :P
then there were some who could skate very well of cos. the ice hockey players and prof. skaters and the caucasions.
then i went to meet yi yi and mom and bro and sis and headed for town. we went to eat at this really exquisite japanese restaurant at orchard plaza. it really feel like a japanese restaurant. its authentic japanese. the bowl of ramen was so huge that even i couldnt finish it la. the food was nice. it was like in an alley. so it felt very jap-py.
then we walked here and there, ate some ice cream and walked more. sat at starbucks paragon doing absolutely nothing. i was just nsging su and siya and hil. then we wanted to watch world trade centre. but it was a midnight movie and we didnt want to wait so long, so we decided to go home.
cine was so darn crowded i tell you cos its opened 24 hrs on weekends. i bet its still damn crowded over there. and there were a lot of those lians and bengs. andquite a lot of people dressed like its cosplay even when they still look so bad.
i understand if they want to look nice. but they try to act gothic and all, and end up looking like a total loser. like how pathetic!?! then as usual they had their fair share of quite well dressed people. and people who just crave attention.
oh wells. yeaps. today was a fun and long day. the days are slowly getting drony and longer and boring-er. :(( i'm going to siya's house tmr to play some tennis. yay. oh well. nights.
I haven't blogged in quite a while haven't i? And it's not really even because of the exams, I have been using the computer everyday during the exam periods. Hardly studying~ URGH.
For like at least three hours per day. And I just finished watching Dragon Tiger Gate. And I wrote a reply letter to su. And tomorrow is Chinese Paper 2.
Wish me luck. I screwed Science and Math up. I'm freakking dead. The others were ok. I think tomorrow would be ok too. And I'm acting like as if, my exams are OVER. Which is so darn wrong. I still have one more paper to go, no?
Oh well, i said it. IT"S ONE PAPER. EOYs are ending. I'm darn darn happy.
I can't wait. SImply can't.
I finished watching the Prince of Tennis le. Now i'm obediently watching the Nationals OVA everytime they upload one. POT rocks. I wanna be Mrs Echizen.
Pamela Ryoma-Echizen. Pamela Echizen.
Sounds nice eh??? LOLS.
Like that could ever happen. But whatever!!! I opened another wordpress blog, did i say? It's not private. But I'm not going to say the URL yet. cause my visitor content sucks. BLEAUGH. When I'm done with the site and all, then I'm going to change to a host la. I've changed my mind. :))
This is a short post. I think I'll post the URL soon. Cause tomorrow is the las tday of exams, dad's in vietnam. So it means that I can use the com, when bro doesnt hog it la. YAY.
WORDPRESS ROCKS. But does anybody know how to change the bloody template??? GRR.