Somebody fucking stole my white havianas which cost 50 bucks.I've already cursed that thief, i guess it helps a little, i don't feel as mad. That loser will fucking pay for it.
This was the very first draft of the curse.
He'll (or she) get APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia. It'll be hibernating under his skin and it'll start roaring every once in a while. He'll need leukocytesor stem cells or bone marrow to fool his body into thinking it's healthy, but too bad he doesn't even have that slight hope of hoping cause he won't find a doctor. Then he'll die. Slow painful death.
But after that, i thought it was a
bit harsh and i decided that he would jsut sprain his ankle so he can't move about and steal stuff as agile as used to be.
They just steal stuff like that, and what!?! Expected to be forgiven cause they have no money? And they have to resort to stealing stuff?
I'm so sure. If you were dying of starvation, i doubt if the first thing you'd steal would be a pair of havianas huns. Unless you are brainless of course.
So you obviously stole my havianas for your own materialistic gains, either my selling it or for yourself or your daughter or whatever. Whatever it is, you stole it. That's a bloody crime.
And i frigging paid good money for it. You simply stole it. Idiot.
Whatever. I think i'm gonna get my white havianas
And i'm never gonna let mum hang my slippers out there on the corridor.
Anyway i think i failed my math test by a bit. Which is pretty sad anyhow you see it. But life's full of ups and downs. I've got to accept it, no?
After all, it's not worse than my havianas being stolen, to me that is. Call me materialistic, but ain't everybody?
BE truthful.
And anyway, if you leave, i think i might just leave with you. I'd rather be with you, my friend.Labels: havianas
Ok, this was meant to be posted long ago but I couldn't post till
Hil and
Su posted cause i don't have any of the pictures with me. So, now i can finally post cause Su finally posted and i kup the pictures.
I was late, as a matter of fact, and to be fair to myself, i had a valid reason. (Phew!) I had a frigging block nose the night before and so i couldn't sleep till don't know what time so due to the late sleeping i woke up late the day after, which is the day where the 3 of us were supposed to go out.
So i met them at Mos Burger, saw some ex dunmanian there with his girlfriend or sorts. Then we ate, i wasn't supposed to eat at all according to my mental dieting schedule. But they forced me to eat so i ate. Not many times we get to go out. So yeah, eat lo.
Mos was a fast food restaurant somemore ok. YUCK. Besides...

Ok, then we wanted to eat our Ichigo Bliss as usual but we didn't, so we had some frozen ice cream cake thing. We wanted the cheese flavour but they ran out of stock or something so we had the cheese one which didn't taste bad at all.
Su being very evil, snatched the smallest piece and left me and hil to share. Then hil being evil also (cause she don't like cheese or smth) took the 2nd smallest piece and left me with the biggest piece. =.="
So much for dieting ain't it.
The cake thing above.
Then engaged in idle chat and gossip even though it's annoyingly unhealthy for mind body and soul.

They decided to buy chocobaby. ^^
Then walked around lovely land and all that then took neos~~~~~~~lalala.
This machine was damn cool, we could like scan in our stuff and then take pictures with it.

Oh yes, we decided to invite a cheerleader to take neos with us! *rolls eye*

Then went to Orchard cause Su wanted to pee in wheelock's toilet, well that was one of the reasons anyway, but it didn't happen la.
Went to cine, su and hil playing capsule machine, i bought a lipstick and a nail polish at dodo club.
Oh the way to Taka, i saw this:

I was thinking if my english was really that bad, that i couldn't spell pedestrian. Cause they spelled pedestrain. Then i was like =.=" So i asked the rest lo. Haha. Right there in Orchard road ok!!! What a disgrace to us Singaporeans! Imagine some ang mor came as a tourist and then saw this sign! Gosh, the signs were all over the place i tell you, not only one.
Then ate at KFC again, fast food restaurant again. I wanted to slap myself.

Lushikoh at Taka's KFC :DDDDDD
Then i wanted to go Far East so badly but didn't in the end cos no time. ><>
Then went to kino lo, su got her jap mags. Then we went to Watsons, i got some stuff there, hair straightening serum thing. Then went to Forever 21, wanted to get jeans, but didn't get in the end.
Then went home, hil and su dropped off at Bedok. Left me alone to Tampines. =.="
MMM. Long post. Just finished a Beard Papa hee. Kinda eating Lays now.
Chinese new year just passed anyway, was fun la. Not much hong pao money actually, $300++ about there.
1st day just went to Mama's house and Ah ma's house then went to Msia to visit Qing gaga. Set off some fireworks there.
2nd day go some relative of mum's place, then another one. Then eat dinner and then go back.
3rd day go meet Mr Yeo and take math test at Cafe Cartel. Wasn't very good i think, how i fared la. Then took train all the way to Bishan to Yigu's house for gathering. (The place was so damn far!) Watched people play pool, cause there was a mini pool tournament in the attic.
Irene jie and Siong ga ga was the last two, don't know who won la. Like wth la, they are like together then he taught her to play so obviously he's better. =.=" But so damn sweet right. :))
Then gambled a lot, but only lost $2 in the end. (...!) , finally i learnt how to play Xi1 Ki4 Buei2. :DD Thanks to Clement!
Think now i want to join ASCI IB School already. :DDD Sounds so good.
Hehe. Spent so long here. OMG. Bye.
i'm back from
BANGKOK!!! ^v^
Land of Smiles! :)) It was great, overall, besides the sucky hotel. Yeah, everything was quite good!!! ^^
Day 1: Rushed to airport from TP after match~ Then shopped at Duty Free. Ate at Han's.Proceeded to the aeroplane. Ear pressure was actually all not that bad, it was only during the later part, descending part where i could barely hear anything. =.=
Then we went to some hotel, more like motel, called Bangkok Sahara. It was so wrong, the hotel. It was quite bad la. But it looked so different online and it was already paid online so yeah we just stayed there.
But it was quite convenient and everything. So it wasn't too bad. ^^
Then we walked around the streets of Bangkok and there were beggars every now and then. It was so so so saddening to see such things. Like people who are sickly and homeless and hungry and dying. And then you think about people like
Paris Hilton.
Unforgivable ain't it? It is so so so unfair. But that's life and i shan't continue to harp on the depressing things.
That was about all i think. I forgot what we had for dinner that day. Oh right, i rmb, it's some Thai restaurant and i swear, the thai people eat things that are super super salty. I mean it. I'm like those who eat salted popcorn and sweet corn with extra zi4. So it was like, extremely salty.
Day 2:Shopping starts here!!!First we had breakfast at the hotel, American Breakfast thing. Then we went to this
HUGE shopping centre called CentralWorld. Vivocity is nothing compared to it. So we bought some stuff there. :) Yeah and we spent quite a bit of time there. Ate lunch at some Thai restaurant again. But it was saltier and spicier than ever, so thereafter, we went to Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins.
After that, we went to Platinum Mall, bought a bit more stuff there where you can slash the price. Hah.
It was about evening already when we went to Siam Paragon. Then i forgot where we had dinner.
Day 3:CHATUCHAK~~~ We woke up at about nine then we went ALL THE WAY TO CHINATOWN in Bangkok to eat breakfast. Some chinese restaurant. It was so so so far!
We had to take the BTS train. I swear, the Thais speak with this really really really weird accent. Like really sensual and gentle. The station was say, Nana. They had to say "Next station: Naaaahhh Naahhhhh."
It's like uber funny and bro had to speak to me in that imitation thai accent of his, throughout. It was less than bearable ok. Gosh. =.="
Then we took the train to Chatuchak! Where we bought a lot of stuff and slash the prices like hell. :)) So we bought some more stuff there.
Me: "Pheng Pheng!"
(means discount or smth)Thai: "No pheng no pheng!"
Then it was rather hot and stuffy in Chatuchak so we got ice popsicles for 3 baht each. Which is about 2 cents i think, sg dollars.
Then it closed at 6, so we had dinner at some japanese restaurant called Fuji in Paragon. I had this beef rice thing. And the normal sushi things.
Day 4: Went to Siam Center and Bro bought like 5 tops in a row. =.= In one shop. Or two. Then we went to Mah Boon Krong. Couldn't find much there, bro and i went back to Siam Center again. Bought some stuff again.Then we ate Shabu Shabu at Siam Center. Which was seriously filling. Then went back to the hotel and pack stuff. Bathe and all that crap.
Went to the airport and ate at there, some chinese restaurant again.
Took the plane back to Singapore, then i was putting the hand luggage onto the luggage compartment above and i didn't know i was blocking the people behind. Then omg, i was so embarrassed la. When my brother told me to move away. -.-
Reached Singapore at about midnight. Bought liquor at Duty Free. Went home, packed some stuff, and slept at two.
End of Trip.School has been terribly hectic these days with common tests and homework. And it just sucks la. So yeah, all i can say is that i barely have enough time to shit so my site is currently under hiatus. At least i think so.
Today's math common test was a bitch. There's gonna be a chinese one tmr.
Oh and tomorrow's Valentine's!!!
Happy Valentine's Day to all!<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 is in the airrrrrrrrrr. *rolls eye*
Not for me but oh wells! :D
My mum broughtIceberg back. It's like, a non alcoholic kinda beer. Which tastes exactly like beer but isn't beer. So i'm like a bit sick so it's like a funny scene when i thought it was a soft drink. Then i was like, zonked.
Like "what is this TASTE!?!"
It wasn't like alcoholic so ok la, but still the taste was a but weird. Hah. Now my throat's feeling hot, like a smooth sizziling sensation down my throat. =.=
Ok i'm watching Meteor Garden now, it's so freakking SWEET. :DD And nice. So i'm feeling happy.
Oh right, lost the match against Pasir Ris Sec today. Hmmm. Jiayou la.
Today's Sis' birthday!
School is boring like hell. Can't wait for thurs to comeeeeeeee. ^^
I'm currently saving up for Japan anyway. ^~^ Anybody who has extra money can donate to me la. Hah.
And i thought you were nice. Or maybe you were different. But you turned out to be the same, maybe i was just too gullible. Yeah maybe i was...
Today's quite a good day. Thought a lot. Learned a lot? Read a book, still am reading. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I love her now.
frigging awesome.Time just seemed to have lolled past, ever so slowly.
I noticed but that didn't stop me from reading too. Then the weather today was so nice and peaceful. It made me think of the country side again.
I want to live in somewhere as peaceful as it was today, everyday.
Going for a reunion dinner later. Early i know, cause i'm going Bangkok in a few days. So it really doesn't matter.
I've set my eyes on Japan this year. Hopefully i can pay most of the expenses myself. Hopefully.
Really hoping for something is something i haven't done for a long time, not since a few years ago. I doubt if i am now. But i guess it's the idea that's put across here. Not that i really am. I am hoping but sort of knowing deep inside me whether it will really realise.
Jodi Picoult has influenced me, as you can see, my writing style seems to have changed a bit.
Even i noticed.If i were Anna, i doubt if i might be so strong.
Yeah i doubt if i would be, strong in terms of everything, i am kinda lacking.
Remember when i said that i'll stop eating carbs? It didn't happen.
Ate Burger King yesterday. And not too long ago, i was stabbing my white plastic spoon into a big red bowl of porridge. (On the bed while reading my book)
I guess that was for tea.
I should try shutting myself out, away from the world and what seems reality. And become a poet or a writer. A new aspiration down that long list.
I officially think i'm a lesbian, uh no, like i don't know what. But there's some problem with me.
This is a mail i received from Sulin. You know, those long chain mails? Yeah, but much to my despair.
sixteen signs your in love
SIXTEEN: When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up,
you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.
FIFTEEN: You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again.
FOURTEEN: You walk really slow when you're with them.
THIRTEEN: You feel shy whenever they're around.
ELEVEN: When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at
the same time.
TEN: You smile when you hear their voice.
NINE: When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you
just see him/her.
EIGHT: You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.
SEVEN: They're all you think about.
SIX: You get high just from their scent.
FIVE: You relize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.
FOUR: You would do anything for them, just to see them.
THREE: While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole
TWO: You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number
twelve was missing
ONE: You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at
And, i realised no 12 was missing. I never did have any of these sixteen symtoms of love. Whatever. I'm gay les whatever you wanna call me. Isn't my age like a quite sweet age? Like to have someone to crush on type?
Why i don't have leh! ><
Ah nvm, i just switched to FireFox, not really switched cause i'm new and haven't tried out the functions and whatnot. So using IE as well as FF. Anyone knows what good addons are a must?
Tmr got surds diagnostic quiz. Gtg, wish me luck. And maybe lotsa proper love. XP